Chapter one ~

38 2 1

4 years ago

Craig's POV

i opened my eyes as i lay on the ground and looked around me, there was a small amount of blood covering the snow on the ground in front of me. i stayed calm like always, nothing ever bothered me to much.

i heard faint voices coming from behind me, i could hear my friends shouting over to me. i could just ever so slightly make out one sentence my friend clyde shouted out.

"woah dude! you should see your face!"

i could hear clyde laughing, i flipped him off before closing my eyes again.

it was quiet for a couple seconds before i felt a hard kick on my back. i shot up on to my knees out of shock.

"OW! dick, the fuck?" i shouted to my friends, not to sure which of them kicked me.

"sorry craig, had to prove you weren't dead" stan said before shrugging his shoulders and placing his hand in his pockets.

i stood up off the ground and wiped the snow off my jacket, i put my finger to my nose and "huh i must have burst my nose" i wiped the blood from my finger onto my jacket

"a-are you okay craig?" my best friend tweek asked me, we had been friends for years and were basically joined by the hip. "yeah i'm alright" i wiped the blood off my face with my jacket sleeve and started walking up the hill i had just plummeted down

"dude we did tell you not to go down the hill that way" stan spoke up from the back of the group.

"yeh but it looked cool right" i said as i turned to look at stan, he rolled his eyes and looked down at the ground watching were he was placing his feet.

"Y-Y-YOU OKAY C-CRAIG?" i heard jimmy shout from the top of the hill next to tolkien, "YEAH MAN IT LOOKED LIKE YOU DIED!" tolkien shouted after

"yeah, yeah i'm fine just bruised" i laughed it off casually, i mean it the fall hurt and all but i'm always fine.

as we reached the top of the hill both clyde and tweek held my arms to make sure i didn't fall, "y-you really n-need to be more careful, like jesus man!" tweek spoke out as we walked back to the main path way. "i know tweek, i know".

"hey were did kyle and kenny go?" stan asked as we kept walking down the path. "when craig fell they ran to the parking lot go get kyles mom" tolkien spoke up after stan.

i looked up from the ground to see kyles mom and dad sprinting towards us "oh god craig are you alright!"

"i'm fine mrs broflovski it was just a sleigh accident" i managed to get out before clyde started laughing "aw dude that was awesome! craig decided to stand up on the sleigh and wrecked it" clyde wouldn't stop laughing it was seriously annoying

"well come on boys we'll drive you home" Kyles dad spoke up leading us all back to the car

after some time driving we finally arrived at my home, "see you tomorrow guys" i jumped out the car and walked up my drive way to the front door.

before i could attempt to open it i the front door flung open with my dad looking down at me "the fuck happened to you" my dad asked in a stern voice.

"Thomas don't swear at him! honey are you alright" my mom spoke walking towards the front door. "yeah mom i'm okay, can i go to my room?" i asked, i didn't like speaking to my parents that much it always caused an argument no matter what happened or what was said.

"oh of course sweetie" i walked past my parents and made my way up to my bedroom. i entered my room and looked into the mirror next to my wardrobe.

the lower half of my face was covered in dried up blood "ugh damn it" i took off my jacket and headed to the bathroom. i cleaned my face of all the blood and died off with a clean white towel that was on the rack.

just as i had left the bathroom i heard my mom talking to someone from down stairs. i peeked down the stairs just enough to see who was there. and standing in the middle of the entry way was tweek and his parents.

i made my way down the stairs to see what was going on. "hey tweek" i smiled while standing at the bottom of the stairs. "hey craig" tweek spoke back, he spoke with a sad voice almost like he was holding back some tears.

"boys why don't you go play up stairs" my mom suggested. i shrug my shoulders before tweek and myself headed up to my room.

"oh tweek i got this new game for the ps4, wanna come over and play it tomorrow" i asked tweek while hanging up my jacket from before. "a-actually i c-can't" tweek spoke, tears formed in his eyes, what was going on?

"dude what's up? you can talk to me" i looked at tweek

"i-" tweek cleared his throat and wiped his eyes "i-im moving away.. n-new york"

i stared at tweek in shock and disbelief. "what" i could feel myself getting a little hot. "you're leaving" i sat down on my bed trying to gather what was just said

"y-yeah.. tonight apparently"

"WHAT! NO YOU CANT-" tweek interrupted me before i could shout any more

"my parents were meant to tell me but forgot, i'm s-sorry man" tears forced themselves out of tweeks eyes

"just go dude" i rolled my eyes and looked down at the floor


"just fuck off tweek, screw you"

tweek left my bedroom and slammed the door behind him, i wasn't mad as him. i was mad he was moving away with so short notice. he was my best friend.

i just needed to be mad to make it easier.

but like i said

i'm always fine

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