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Maple bay home to Brian Harding, contractor and father. He seems to be taking his dog Maxwell out on a walk at the park and he is about to meet someone.

Brian and maxwell are walking through the park, they see all the usuals that come by and greet them. After walking for a bit the two make it to an open field, so they can play fetch.

Throwing the Frisbee he brought out into the grassy field Maxwell darts after. Maxwell bites the Frisbee and runs back over to Brian, tail wagging clearly happy to be playing. "Good boy Maxwell." Brian tells as he pats him on the head and takes the Frisbee so they can keep playing.

Maxwell barks at Brian a few times waiting for him to throw the Frisbee. Brian fake throw it a few times before he launching it out. The Frisbee goes flying through the air,Maxwell follows behind as fast as he can, when suddenly it hits someone in the back of the head.

The man turns around and picks up the Frisbee, Maxwell runs up to the man and barks. Brian waves at the man and starts to jog over to him. "Sorry for hitting you." Brian tells the man.

"Oh no worries." The man replies. Brian realize he hasn't seen this man around before. The man is wearing glasses, has longish red hair, mustache, and goatee.

"Have you just moved here, I don't think I've seen you around before?" Brian asks the man. "Yeah I just moved in a couple days ago." The man replies.

"Sorry I haven't properly introduced myself, my name is Brian." Brian tells the man as he reaches his hand out for a handshake. "I'm max." The man says as they shake hands.

"That's funny my dog here is named Maxwell." Brian tells max. "Oh is it now?" Max says. "Yup I've had him for five years now." Brian said as he started to remember when he first got Maxwell. "He's a good boy isn't he." Max asked Brian. "Yup my daughter and I trained him!" Brian exclaimed.

"Oh you have a daughter how is she?" Max asked. "Daisy is 10, she's my pride and joy. She's very smart for her age." Brian smiles as he talks about his daughter. "What about your wife?" Max asked. "She is no longer with us." Brian says, they don't say anything for a bit until Maxwell breaks the silence with a bark. Max throws the Frisbee into the grassy field for Maxwell to chase after. "I'm sorry to hear that." Max says as he puts a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"So what do you do for a living?" Max asks trying to change the subject. "I'm a contractor and you?" Brian says. "I'm a scientist." Max replies. "Really?" Brian asks as Maxwell comes running back to him with the Frisbee to be thrown again.

"Yeah I work for Horizon Labs in New York." Max explained. "I think I've heard of Horizon Labs, I'm not much of a science guy but my daughter loves it." Brian says.

"Well it was nice meeting you Brian, but I should be heading home I've still got some stuff to unpack." Max says as he reaches out his hand for another handshake. "Yeah it was nice meeting you if you need unpacking just let me know." Brian tells max, they shake hands and exchange numbers. Max begins to walk off and Brian goes back to playing with Maxwell at the park.

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