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~ Kazuha POV ~_
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Walking home is tiring, especially when you live too many miles away. I'd prefer to drive, but I haven't bothered to get a license yet, which is probably inconvenient considering I live alone.

Since I had detention, I was going to get back home around 6:00, which is about 4 hours more than I would usually.

I live alone in an apartment due to the fact that both my parents are dead, and my aunt doesn't care for me, so she just left me alone in an apartment as soon as I was old enough to get a job. She pays for rent, I pay for everything else, that's how it is.

I don't mind living alone, it's peaceful, really. I reach my apartment door and input the code, 1029. To make it easy to remember, I put it as my birthday. Though, that could make it easier for stalkers to break in... oh well.

I plopped down on the couch, my body sinking deeply into the thin cushion. My couch was old and frail, as the apartment I lived in wasn't that great. Still, I had to make the best of it.

I turn on my phone, checking my notifications. Ah, 28 missed calls from Heizou. Great. I guess I have to call him back then. These were only 30 minutes ago, so he might still be able to call.

My phone rang as I waited for him to answer. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. and he answered.

"Finally! God, what took you so long to answer?" I heard Heizou's voice through the phone, he seemed excited that I finally answered.

"I was at detention, remember?" I retorted, rolling my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Ah- oh.." Heizou sighed in defeat. "I forgot.. but anyways, your home now right?" He asked, sounding excited once again.

"Yeah, why? Do you want to come over or something?" I predicted, questioning why he would ask me that. Heizou often came over to my house unannounced, or without me allowing him to, so it didn't really matter to me anymore whether he came over or not.

"See you in 30 then-" Heizou said, before I hung up and cut off his sentence. I scrolled through social media, trying to find something interesting to do until Heizou got here.

After 30 long minutes, I heard my door open. Heizou knows my passcode, as he had been here so many times I just ended up giving it to him.

"Kazuha!~~" Heizou said, jumping on me as I stood up to greet him. He tackled me to the floor, grinning. "Hi Kazy~!" He said, laughing.

"Hi, Heizou." I said with a straight face, though I was trying not to laugh because of that ridiculous nickname he had just given me.

For a couple of hours or so, we just kind of hung out, talking about random shit and what not. It felt more of what someone would describe as a "girls" sleepover, but that didn't really matter.

"We should invite someone over!" Heizou said out of the blue, his voice startling me after it had been so quiet.

"Like who?" I questioned. There are many people we could invite, Venti, Xiao, the traveler, and some others we don't really talk to, but it would be unlikely to invite people Heizou isn't familiar with.

"Hmm... how about Scaramouche? It could help him get along with us, he is new and all and probably doesn't have anyone close yet." Heizou offered, smiling. I didn't expect him to say Scaramouche, of all people. Heizou usually didn't become close with anyone unless he's known them for a while, and we just met Scaramouche today. Did Heizou know him before now..?

"Sure, I guess. I'll call him." I said, bringing out my phone once more. My phone was old, as I haven't been able to get a new one for a while now. Heizou has offered to buy me a new one before, but I've always declined to be polite.

"You have his number?" Heizou inquired, he seemed to wonder how I even got Scaramouches number in the first place. I had ended up getting Scaramouche's number during lunch, when Heizou had gotten up to get something from the vending machine.

I nodded, dialing Scaramouche while doing so. My phone rang for a while, before finally a voice answered.

"Hello..?" I heard Scaramouches muffled voice through the phone. Definitely him, glad to know I got the right number.

"Hi Scaramouche, it's me and Heizou, I was wondering if you want to come over to my house? I can send you the address. Also, if you need to study we can all do it together here." I said, not letting Scaramouche make the same excuse. I knew Scaramouche didn't have to study, because it was quite literally his first of school, and there were no upcoming exams or tests.

"A-ah.. uhm.. fine.." I heard Scaramouche give in, his voice sounding defeated. I quietly wondered why it seemed as if Scaramouche was hesitant to come, but I didn't ask.

Around 25 mintues, Scaramouche had arrived as well. Bringing only his phone and charger it seems, he wasn't wearing his school uniform, so I got to see what kind of clothes he usually wears. His clothing choice is odd, I didn't think he'd wear something like that, but then again, what did I think he was going to wear?

He was wearing all black clothing, headphones, and a tank top with sweatpants. It looked kind of hot on him, though I'm sure if there was no uniforms and he wore this to school, he'd get made fun of. Not because it was weird to wear, but because some asshole students couldn't seem to grasp the fact that not everyone dressed like straight-ass white boys.

"Heyyy Scaramouche!" Heizou called out to Scaramouche as he sat down awkwardly on the couch. Scaramouche seemed wary of Heizou.. I wonder why. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable, maybe I shouldn't have had him come over..

"Hi." Scaramouche said bluntly, he was fidgeting with his hands and he shifted away from Heizou as Heizou moved closer. I wonder if they knew each other before high school, or did Scaramouche just not like him?

"Scaramouche, I'm glad you came! To be honest, I didn't think you'd even come." I smiled at him, I tried to be as polite and gentle as I could with him, I don't want him to feel even more uncomfortable.

"Heh, yeah.." Scaramouche smiled back at me politely. Didn't think I'd see him smile at me twice today, his smile is nice.

"You have a nice smile." I complimented, smiling at Scaramouche. His cheeks turned a little red, but I'm sure it's because he's embarrassed.

"Shut up." Scaramouche said, rolling his eyes as he regained his composure. Didn't think Scaramouche was the type to get so embarrassed so easily, you learn something new every day I guess.

For the rest of the time, it was mostly friendly chatter or silence. Occasionally I would catch Scaramouche shifting away from Heizou uncomfortably whenever he got too close.

"Do the both of you know each other from before high school or something..?" I asked. Heizou just seemed way to comfortable, as he usually wasn't good with people he hadn't hung out with a lot, and Scaramouche seemed to be completely nerves by Heizou's every move.

"No-" Scaramouche was cut off by Heizou's loud response.

"Yes actually, we went to the same Middle School." Heizou said, the corners of his mouth up as Scaramouche glared at him. So they did know each other. But what had cause Scaramouche to be so wary of him?


Sorry for the late chapter, I haven't been motivated lately, and got a writers block. 😭 I'm thinking of writing another Kazuscara fanfic, but the chapters for this may come out slower if I do, but I also might have more motivation and fun making these. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though I'm cringing. ヽ(;▽;)

Words: 1295

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