Love at first sight?(A Taylor Lautner fanfic)

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Roselyn POV:

I'm Roselyn, call me rose. I'm a huge fan of Taylor Lautner. My dream? To marry him.. Yeap, jut like every fans out there wanting to marry their idol. I'm 16. I'm not the type of girly girls.. I don't wear dresses! I hate them. But my parents would force me to wear dresses whenever I go to any parties, they would force me to a dress, even if they weren't going with me. Anyways, enough of me..


I was in school, school was soon over, just a few more minutes and I'm gonna be heading home! I looked out of the window, snow just falling like leaves in the autumn.. I'm gonna die if I have to hear Mr Cortez continue his life stories.. Even though he was hot. I know it's wrong for a student to say that but you can't denied some things you know.. But don't worry! I don't have a crush on him or any sort of that!

Mr Cortez : "You all can leave now." Mr Cortez walked out of the room. I walk with Riley and Maddison to the bus stop.. They were my best friend. I would usually call Maddison by Maddie.

Maddie :"Tomorrow meet me at my house. Don't forget we're going to the mall, I can't wait to get that cute stripe pullover! Uhh. I have to accompany Maddie to the mall tomorrow... I'm 'soooooo' excited...

I usually love walking home when it's winter even though i would maybe freeze to death.. I can't stand hot weathers as I sweat a lot.. When I mean a lot, I really mean non stop. I would walk alone and think about well... Anything... I was a 10mins walk home.. I open the door and entered home.. As usual, my parent aren't home, they never are..

I had a younger brother, Jake, his 10. He was on the couch watching Adventure Time. I looked at him, his eye were on the TV. He loved Adventure Time. I just walked up to see who else is home, my elder brother was in his room talking on the phone. I'm guessing his talking to his girlfriend, Samantha. His 20 and his girlfriend is 17. I passed my sisters room, she wasn't in, she must be out with her boyfriend.. Her name's Allison. Yeap, everyone in this house has a boyfriend/girlfriend, except me.

My room was all the way at the end. I walked into my room and kiss my Taylor Lautner poster.. Yes, I do that everyday I come home or before I leave..

••Next Day••

My alarm clock ran and I woke up smacking the off button. *yawn* I stretch and look over at the clock. "Shit! I'm late!" I whisper yelled. I got up and took a bath. I wore my ripped jeans and a Hipsta please pullover and stuff my jacket into my bag, i wore my beanies which got the paws thingy. I wore all the stuff that I needed, took my skateboard and skated to Maddies house. I wasn't that far. I knocked waiting for someone to open it. "You're late...." She tried to look at me angry but never could.

"Sorry." I said with puppy eyes.

"Hehe, come one! Lets go and leave your skateboard at my place."I left it inside her house and we headed to the bus stop which took us 6 mins.

When we finally reacher the mall, it was 12, there usually aren't many people at 12. We went and got Starbucks and Maddie dragged me to the store to get that pullover she wanted. We were walking towards MacDonals, we were both on our phones and talking to each other. Bang! I fell on the floor and Maddie stop and laugh at me. That's why she my friend. "Sorry! Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice.. I was actually closing my eyes to the direction on the floor. Maddie stop laughing. it was silent. He gave me a hand and i took his hand and got up. I looked at maddie and she was well, Maddie looked shocked. I turn back to the man and....

IT'S FUCKING TAYLOR SEXY LAUTNER! My jaw dropped. I can't believe this... Oh my...

"I-I- umm... It's alright.." I said, my voice was shaking.. He was with Robert Pattinson.. Did I forget to mention that Maddie was a huge fan of Robert?? Yeap, she is..

"Is your fried okay?" Robert asked as he was looking at her smiling.. I've got to act normal, no matter what.

"Yea, she's just a huge fan of you, a really huge one..." They started to laugh..

"Hey, I didn't catch your name there beautiful" Taylor said. Is he trying to flirt with me???!!!!

"M-my name??" My voice was starting to tremble.

"Yea beautiful." He said as he winked at me.. Maddie suddenly hugged me.

"Wow, calm down Maddie!" Robert put his hand out

"Hey I'm Robert. And you must be Maddie " Maddie hold his hand and started at his hand. She has got to be kidding me!

"Maddie! React!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh yea, I forgot!" Maddie reply me. Why can't she give me a better answer??!! Taylor and Robert laugh. I looked back at Taylor and looked him in the eyes. Gosh! His eyes are perfect.

"Your name beautiful?" He asked again. Ohhh he's sooo flirting with me.

"My names Roselyn" I was about to put my hand out when he hugged me. I hugged him back. I mean who wouldn't ? We moved back.

"Can I ummm have. Umm your number?" He asked me as he look down. I smiled and said yes. We took each others phone, put in our number and passed each others phone back. I look and saw the contact.

"Taylor Sexy Lautner?" I asked him as I giggled. He's so cute! I saw him blush as he looked down,

"Umm yea." I looked at Robet and Maddie. They looked so cute together. And I don't think Robet's the shy type. There were taking a picture. Taylor and I walked over to them.

Half way there suddenly a girl ran over our way and well, started to screamed.

"OMG!!! I'm a huge huge fan of you!!!" She screame I front of Taylors' face and hugged him. First he was shocked then he hugged back. I was smiling. I was actually a little jealous, okay, actually a lot.

"Can I have your autograph?" She took out a paper and handed him a paper and pen. I jut stood there and smile. When he was done, we walked over towards that sweet 'couple'. Haha!

"Anyways, we have to go. We're gonna be late for a photo shoot." Robet said looking into Maddies' eyes. They would be perfect for each other. Even though they had a huge age gap.. Maddie looked like she was 23. I'm not sure why but she never looked and older or any younger since she was 15.

Taylor hugged me and Maddie then Robert hugged Maddie and me.

"Bye!" Maddie and me said at the same time. We went to get some food and started shopping again.

"Sooo what did Robert said?" I smiled and looked at her.

"His sooo hot. I'm gonna die now. I got a picture with him, and his number. He wanted to meet me tomorrow! How about you?" She moved her eyebrows up and she pushed me softly with her arm.

"He called me beautiful. He was soooo flirting with me." I smiled and blush.

••Done with shopping heading to Maddies' house••

"Bye Maddie!" I took my skateboard and started to skate home.

"Bye!" Maddie said.


Hey, so hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Will update once each week, I hope. Please comment and tell me what you guys would want to add in the next one or anything to help improve. So yeap! Bye! - spikywhiskers ❤❤✌

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