day 1

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It was the day after Kota broke up with Lauren. He was still hella heartbroken, after all he really did love the girl. But, realizing she wasn't gonna stop cheating on him kinda broke him. Now he really had a lot of messes to clean up...first was his relationship with eri. He just got out of class he was heading to eri's locker and saw she was already walking away to go home. "Eri!" He calls out to the girl and she stopped and removed her headphones. "Hm?" She turns around, "I thought we could walk together again" Kota says catching up to eri. "Um...okay" eri says a little confused and apprehensive.

Kota takes eri's back, "I- nuuu" eri whines trying to hold onto her bag. "I can carry it-" "here I got it cutie" Luna smiles taking eri's bag. Eri blushes and turns away from Luna, " okay thank you" Kota rolls his eyes and carefully picks eri up. Eri squeaks confused, "um...I can walk-" "don't care" Kota says, unbeknownst to eri this was just the start of him carrying her everywhere like a princess. Eri didn't realize it but after staying up for 3 days in a row for the commission she was exhausted. The warm air mixed with Kota's warmth and heartbeat, as well as feeling overwhelmingly safe in Kota's arms, caused eri to fall asleep.

Kota smiles a little as he feels eri lean against him. He could tell she was exhausted and needed rest. "I could've carried her." Luna mumbles, "don't even think about it." Kota growls. Kota was speaking quietly so eri wouldn't wake up. Kota of course took Luna too her house first since it was on the way... besides he didn't feel comfortable making a girl walk home alone. He then takes eri up to her driveway, and saw the commission cars. "Yeah fuck that-" Kota says turning around and just taking eri back to his place. The commission wasn't allowed inside Kota's house. After all where he lives he got the guest house. "Sleep well..." Kota says setting eri on his bed tucking her in.

Kota goes downstairs to let aizawa know that eri was gonna be staying with him until the commission pulled their head out of their asses. Of course the commission showed up a little while later, the originally went to the main house. When they realized eri was there they tried going to the guest house where Kota loved, but they obviously weren't allowed since he was a kid and wasn't one of the many commission kids they didn't have a good excuse to enter. Kota of course knew that fact which was why whenever eri needed to escape from them she just kinda came to his place for however long she was allowed to be there. Which now that Lauren was in the equation eri could stay as long as she needed to and not for a few hours or a few nights if she got lucky.

Hours later, eri finally woke up. She groans a little as she sits up waking up. She looks around confused before she realizes she was at Kota's place. Eri let's out a sigh of relief as she puts her hands behind her neck. "Yo eri, dinner's done" Kota says coming in, he took one look at eri and rushes over. "Hey...what's wrong?" He asks wiping eri's tears away. Eri didn't even know she was crying until then. "'s nothing's nothing" eri sighs, "mhm...also I told your parents you're gonna be staying here for awhile, either until the commission starts treating you better or until we get into UA either or" the male says and brushes eri's hair out of her face. "I'm here now and I'm never gonna let anyone or anything hurt you again..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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