𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙰𝚛𝚎

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Clothes were thrown all over the bed. Two large suitcases were lined up against it on the floor, with undergarments and a few accessories neatly packed inside of them. I was trying to choose my clothes. It was our honeymoon, after all. I want to be ready. After I took that refreshing drive, I met Alyssa and Marshall, and we went on a really awesome dinner. It was mostly teasing me with nicknames and enquiring about each other. Later, I picked up Emerson from Ryle's. The custody exchange was curt, but smooth. I could tell he was angry by how he clenched his jaw and shooted death glares at me when he thought I wasn't looking. I get that he must be in pain, seeing me leaving on a honeymoon with the man he hates. But I'm happy for him. I'm happy he controlled his anger when I could see he wanted to lash out so bad. I can only hope he improves going forward, and finds it in himself to move on. Because even though we can barely be civil with each other, I kind of understand his feelings. And I know that he blames himself for everything that happened (which is true, though) and he can't get over it.

He's destroying himself and I can't see him like this, even though I shouldn't care.

Atlas came in soon after I arrived, and I welcomed him inside to the mess that is this house right now. 

"Is everything okay?" a voice comes from behind. Speak of the devil. I smile and turn around. He just came out of the shower, his brown hair wet and dripping lightly. He's wearing a black shirt that fits him everywhere perfectly, showing the outlines of his abs and biceps. I internally swoon. Underneath the shirt he's wearing grey trousers, which look really baggy and comfy. 

"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you looked deep in thought and your eyebrows were furrowed."
"No, I was just picking out clothes for the next two weeks." I say. He just smiles affectionately.

"I also noticed something."
"What?" he asks playfully, all the while still smiling at me like he can't get enough.

"We're only going to select cities in Europe. I tried to calculate the time it would take us and it's less than two weeks."
"Don't tell me you want to cut our honeymoon short?" That smile morphs into a smirk.

"Of course not. I wanted to make sure."
"Trust me, Lily, I will make sure you have the best time of your life there." He's suddenly so close to me, holding my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. I blush and try to hide my stupid grin.

"You are everything to me, Lily. Your happiness is my happiness. Your sorrow is my sorrow. I promise you, Lily, whatever happens onwards, we'll be in it together. I love you, Lily. I love you so, so much. Everything that you are."

The familiar words creep into my conscience and I hug him tight. I'm shocked at the tears that fall down my cheeks and onto his shoulder. He embraces me even harder, and we both become a mess. After a minute that seems like an eternity, we separate, and he brushes the tears away from my cheek with his thumb, caressing my skin. I grin at him as he smiles back, just as happy. 

"I'm sorry, I--"
"What's there to be embarrassed about, Lily? Come on. It's me, Lily. It's us." 

I feel tears prickle again as I remember the first time I read one of my journal entries to him over FaceTime and he used these same words. He's just making me so much emotional by repeating our conversations and his words like this. And it surprises me how they still settle in my stomach like all those other times. Because he hasn't changed. Not one bit. He's still the same humble, handsome and caring person he has always been. 

"I have a feeling I'm gonna cry a lot tonight." I deadpan.

"Well, then, I'll be your pillow to hold your tears as you do."


"There. We're done. Thanks a lot, Atlas." I wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead. Atlas, noticing I was tired, helped me do more than half the work and get the house in order.

Considerate Atlas.

It's around 12 AM right now and we've finished with everything. There is still some stuff left but we can easily finish it tomorrow. Right now, I'm sitting on his lap as he reclined against the soft beanbag he's sitting on, looking as amazing as ever. Emerson is soundly asleep on our bed. She was really sleepy. And who wouldn't be after playing Happily Ever After for an hour straight? You have to get sick of damsels in distress someday. 

"Are you fine with it?" I suddenly ask, even though  think I know the reply.

"With what?"
"With bringing Emmy with us to the honeymoon? I mean, it's not like I would leave her but still. This was supposed to be--"
"Remember what I said to you, Lily? We - us - it might be the second best thing to happen to you. Emerson's the first best. Why would I wanna deprive you of the bestest thing in your life?" 
He look at me sweetly and I smirk. He said his older words once more. Is this night gonna become a brimming pot of nostalgia?

"Not that you had a choice." I say, jokingly.

"Fair point." 

Suddenly he looks at me dead in the eye and lifts me up, bridal style. 


He carries me across the room, slightly swinging me around, and I clutch at his shoulders, scared I'll fall down. He then lays me on the bed, right next to Emerson, and proceeds to shut down the lights and settle in the covers on Emerson's other side. We look smiling at each other, love-struck and longing. He sighs contently and hugs both Emmy and me. I grip his arm with my hands loosely and close my eyes, letting my eyes close and the words sink in. And just like that, I'm crying again. Not because I'm sad. Because I am so, so satiated. So happy. Atlas holds me tighter and doesn't say anything, because he understands me. I'm too immersed in my thoughts to notice him staring at me passionately.

Because I'm exactly where I belong.

Being loved by Atlas Corrigan.

A/N: Sorry for the delay, everyone. I also cried while writing this chapter, because these two mean so, so much to me. They've shared some of my life's best and worst moments with me. This chapter isn't necessarily sad, but nostalgia took its toll on me too, I guess. I also want you guys to please comment and upvote on this story if you like it, because in all honesty, it's kinda demotivating. That's why I delayed this chapter a bit too. Thanks to everyone who's reading this. I hope you're happy, wherever you are. <3

Signing off.


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