Chap-3 "The deal"

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Tae: will I what!!!

Jisoo: my father took me out of his will because he doesn't think I'm mature enough.

Tae: what do I have to do with that??

Jisoo: as ridiculous as it sounds, entering into some boring marriage and getting a job will just so happen to prove him but...

Tae: you want me to fake a relationship with you??

Jisoo: your smart!!

Tae: All because you want to get your dad's property??

Jisoo: why do broke people always have to repeat things?

Tae: do you even know what your saying and how messed up this could get?

Jisoo: don't worry I...

Tae: we literally just met half an hour ago!!

Jisoo: oh really then let's start with introduction I'm kim jisoo. See it's not a big deal.

Tae: It might not be for you but marriage is a very big deal for me.

Jisoo: oh please people fake marriages all the time.

Tae: unlike you rich people I don't fake love. When I fall in love, it's genuine and real.

Jisoo: oh gosh, that sounds terrible.

Tae: see this is exactly why I would never agree to marry some rich spoiled kid like you.

Jisoo: whatever, see your in trouble so I can pay you enough to keep that ugly goat away from you.

Tae: I....

Jisoo: think about it you really need this money to save your father's cafe.

*tae was silent for a moment*

Tae: do you really mean that you would pay me?

Jisoo: I mean it.

Tae: but I can't just take your money like that.

Jisoo: fine then make me the C.E.O of this cafe.

Tae: what!!

Jisoo: that way you can buy it back.

Tae: I need to think about it.

Jisoo: okay, you have 2hrs to think. Take this card and call me after you decide.

*she gave the card to tae and left*

*Tae's mom entered the scene*

Mom: was that your friend tae??

Tae: no she wasn't.

Mom: then is she your girlfriend!!!

*she said excitedly*

Tae: you know I don't want or need a girlfriend, mom. I only care about you, dad and this cafe.

Mom: tae, if things continue this way then both me and this cafe....

Tae: don't say it mom.

Mom: look, I'm thinking about selling this cafe.

Tae: what!!

Mom: I got an offer yesterday and it's good money.

Tae: we can manage mom don't worry.

Mom: tae let's be realistic things are out of our hands now so we have to sell it.

*tae thought for a while*

Tae: if selling is the only option then I think I have a potential buyer.

Mom: you do??

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