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Third person pov

"But remember one thing, I won't leave you to breathe in peace untill you do what I asked" jungkook said before getting up. He looked at jimin for last time and left the room, going downstairs.

When he came down he saw melliva sitting in the couch. He approached her. Melliva looked at jungkook when she felt presence nearby.

"Jungkook come son, sit down" melliva said.

"No aunty, I'm sorry. I gotta going now" jungkook said with a apologetic smile.

"Huh it's all fine, it's your home. You are always welcome." Melliva said, it's really hard for her to reciprocate the smile. Jungkook can understand her feelings, and it's not big deal for him.

"It's so sweet of you and please don't worry about jimin, he will be alright. Very soon you will have your son in your arms all giddy again." Jungkook said sweetly, leora was watching him in aww with a sweet smile in her lips. How humble he is. (*A/n: scoff*)

"Okay aunty, and noona. Please take care of yourself . Then I'm gotta going" jungkook said politely

"Okay son, take Care of yourself too"melliva said and followed him to the door to send off him. Jungkook waved at them before hopping inside his car and leaving.

"Mom he is really sweet and humble alpha." Leora said while walking inside their mansion with melliva

"Indeed he is. You know, now my fear all flew away. I was in the anxiety about where I will give my baby's hand to a imperfect alpha but now I'm sure, jungkook is perfect match for jimin as his father said. " Melliva said smiling. (*There is a flashback behind it, in the next chapter you will know*)

"I agree with you mom, jungkook is really a perfect alpha for our jimin. After jimin's graduation, without wasting the time we should prepare for the other things." Leora said, melliva nodded and went upstairs to see jimin.

1 week later

"Nothing to worry, he is doing fine. Soon he will gain his consciousness." Doctor said after examining jimin's health condition. Melliva had tears in her eyes, it has been a week but jimin didn't gain his conscious yet. She was so worried.

"Doctor it's has been a week. Still jimin didn't open his eyes. I'm so scared" melliva said in the verge of crying, doctor sighed.

"Mrs. Park, as I said we can't predict when he will gain his conscious. Remember, he didn't fall from a tree to gain his conscious faster, he fell from a mountain straight into the water. Now he is breathing, for that even we should be very grateful to the God. Let's wait and hope. Soon he will gain his conscious" doctor said. Melliva nodded silently.

"Then I'm taking my leave Mrs. Park and Ms. Park" doctor said taking his suitcase.

"Yes thank you doctor " leora said, the doctor left the room. Melliva slowly went towards the chair and Sat. She ruffled the sleeping beauty's hair slowly before leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"How long will you sleep baby huh? Don't you wanna see mom. Are you waiting for your prince to come and kiss you. Then will you wake up mm?" Melliva asked to jimin who is lying there with closed eyes.

"I can't see you like this. Wake up soon, mom is waiting for you" melliva said with glistening eyes.

"Mom tomorrow we have to coat the final tender amount. So tomorrow I'm leaving for company " leora said while sitting on the other side of the bed.

"Okay but I'm not coming, you manage it by yourself. I'm not leaving jimin's side even for a second" melliva said emotionlessly ,eyes glued to jimin. Leora sighed sadly and nodded.

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