Act 15

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Late at night, Liam and Cathleen are having dinner at Cathleen's small apartment, but Cathleen smiles and says, "This is delicious, Liam." You're a good cook, but not as good as me."

Liam agrees, laughs a little, and looks at his phone, but Cathleen notices that something is bothering Liam. "Okay... What's up with you? "I can tell something is bothering you," Liam says to Cathleen. "Something unexpected happened today at my boss's office."

Cathleen asks, "Is it something good or bad?" It didn't look good from the look on Liam's face.

Liam tells Cathleen what happened today: "Some kid named Aiden called me and said that he was kidnapped by a man wearing a cap. It seems that he took it from that man and also called for help. He sounded scared and bewildered. I have no idea."

Cathleen appears composed, but she's also perplexed. "Wait, so where is he now? Did he succeed in getting away?"

Liam said, thinking, "Hopefully, but I'm not sure... While I was speaking with him, the connection broke. He was mute when I spoke. All I did was try to help. But..."

Cathleen places her hand on his hand to calm him down, saying, "Liam, it's not your fault."

Liam nods. "Yeah, I know, but... I just want to help."

Cathleen tries to inquire with some sort of guess: "You don't think it was that 'guy' doing, do you?"

Liam gets up, frustrated with the situation, and says with some irony, "Oh, you mean that sick psycho who killed my father 6 years ago but saved my sister Alice from that horrible fire that, by the way, was caused by him? You mean that 'guy'?"

Cathleen was a bit down. "Liam, I'm sorry for asking; I didn't mean to get you angry." Cathleen says, looking down.

Liam takes a deep breath and relaxes. "Sorry, I didn't intend to speak to you in this manner, and I apologize if I did. It's just...everything is messed up," and he sits down with his head down and sighes.

Cathleen stands beside him, putting her hand behind his back to relax him, until she comes up with an idea that might help. "I've had an idea. Why shouldn't we travel to Walfield?"

Liam asked, looking at her. "What!? Why do you even want to go there?"

Cathleen gently smiles. "Well, I told you that my father works as a teacher and also my little sister studies there," Cathleen explains. "And I haven't seen my father or my sister in a long time, so maybe you can see your relatives again. So, what are your thoughts?"

Liam considered the situation carefully. "I have to think about it,"

And Cathleen drops a surprise: "Well, you can't think too much, because I'm leaving tomorrow," which takes Liam by surprise. "Wait what!? Cat, you have a lot of work to do, and you can't just disappear."

Cathleen cut him off, saying, "I'm going on vacation for like 15 days in a couple days."

Liam was perplexed. "Wait, what really? "How come you didn't tell me?"

Cathleen, please explain. "Well, I was very busy with work and you, so..."

Liam cut him off and said, "I'm going with you." Cathleen looks at him, surprised. "Wow, what changed your mind so quickly?"

Cathleen wondered, "You're right, maybe it'll help me relax a little, and it's been a long time since I've seen my relatives."

Liam said, "So, yeah, I'm coming."

Cathleen stands up and gives Liam a big hug. "But I have to convince my boss to come up with some sort of novel to write."

Cathleen has an idea: "Why not write about the mysterious events that happen there?"

Liam considers it, but, "Well, Mr. MacQuoid suggested that, in order to write a police case, that can get a new position at journalism, but I need to get some writing ideas, information, and clues for my story."

Cathleen responds with a better idea: "What if... And please hear me out on this one... What if you write about the criminal events that occurred with that kid, Aiden, and if you solve the mystery? That might help you get your new position."

Cathleen simply smiles, as Liam liked her idea, and with excitement, he says, "Miss Cathleen Russ, you are brilliant!" as he raised her in the air, hugged her, and then they kissed.

And then Cathleen responds with a big smile, "Well, now you have to pack your packages because we are going on a trip to Walfield."

Liam and Cathleen both smiled, and Cathleen was looking forward to the trip, but Liam was skeptical.

A.L.E.N - Between Shadows (Chapter 2)Where stories live. Discover now