the beginning

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"Harry!" I giggle as he lifts me up and twirls me. "I missed you more than you'll ever know." I hug him tight.

He kisses me on the cheek and puts me down, fixing his round glasses. "I missed you just as much, Ellie." He smiles brightly at me.

He takes my hand and my luggage, leading me on the train.

It was the beginning of our fifth year. We were 16 and in love. It was perfect.

"Go ahead," Harry opens the compartment door for me where Ron and Hermione were waiting for us.

I gave Hermione a tight hug, "Hi," I smiled at her and Ron. I took a seat across from the two, leaving room on the seat beside me for Harry.

"So! No time for small talk!" I threw my arms out for dramatics and looked around at the three, "How was everyone's summer?" I say, eager to know.

The three went on telling stories of their stay at the Weasleys burrow. I began growing jealous, regretting asking them how their summers were.

"I'm so happy you guys had fun." I said trying to force a bright smile. It's gotten easier to fake emotions and lie as I've gotten older.

The three always stayed at the burrow. Every summer and every holiday. I've never been. I have it all pictured out in my head on what it would be like if I were to go. I began to believe I'd never experience the fun they say happens there.

"You should've seen the prank Fred and George pulled!"

"Ron, you're mother was so upset with you!" They laugh.

"Do you guys remember when..."

"Mrs Weasleys dinners were amazing."

Hermione looked my way, "Enough about us... how was your summer back in London, Elle?" She says, making me snap out of my jealous state, "We missed you at the Burrow." The boys shook their heads agreeing with her as Harry grabbed my hand.

I squeezed his hand back, "it was really good, I mostly just tanned and swam at the beach." I smiled while lying straight to my two best friends and boyfriends face.

My summer was shit. Every time I had to go home was shit ever since my mum died.

My mother passed when I was in the first year. It was November and she was growing sicker everyday. She'd send me letters twice a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday. 1 pm sharp.

I'd wait eagerly in the great hall during our lunch hour, it was the thing I looked forward to the most.

"Hi my little Elle,
    How I miss you dearly. I just know you are having fun with your Gryffindor family!
    You are beyond lucky to be in the same house I was in many moons ago...
    I can't wait to see you this Christmas... you will be spoiled with love and gifts. Your father says hello angel.
                                    Love, your mum!"

I have every letter packed with me in my luggage. They will never leave my side along with the picture of me and her that I keep tucked in my skirt pocket.

I remember the last letter I received from her. Thursday, November 23rd.

"Hi my Elle Bell!
     Two more weeks till I can see your beautiful face. I am counting down the days!
      I am in the hospital again right now, but they are telling me I will be discharged soon.
     Keeping positive spirits.
                                 Love, your mummy!"

The next day I got a letter from my father, I knew something was off. He never sent me letters. He always gave his love in the letters my mum sent.

     Your mother passed away last night. She wanted me to tell you how much she loved you. You know you were her everything.
     I have informed your Professors and Dumbledore... they are more than happy to let you come home if you'd like.
    I'm so sorry my angel. I love you and your mum loves you more then she loved anything else.
                                               Love, dad."

That was the last time my father was nice to me.

Me, my dad, and my mum were inseparable. We did everything together.

They were my best friends.

I didn't come home when she died... I thought the comfort of my friends was all I needed. I realized I was too scared to face the truth of her death. I thought my dad had comfort of his own back home from his friends and our family. Turns out his only comfort was alcohol and drugs.

I like to think that it's my fault my father turned into a low-life and began hating us witches and wizards.

Maybe if I came home when my mum passed he'd still be the loving dad I once knew.

My father grew prejudice towards us witches and wizards. He convinced himself that the reason my mother got sick so young was because she was a witch.

He decided he wanted every witch and wizard out of his life forever. If he couldn't get them out... he'd make their life a living hell.

And that's what he did. He made sure to make my life a living hell.

"Fuck you and your dumb ass 'powers'" he mocks, spitting in my face. I can smell the stench of beer laced with weed in his breath.

Im backed up into the kitchen counter. No where to go. I gave up fighting back. I learned if I yell or fight back it'll only get worse.

He smacks me on my cheek once. "Get the fuck to your room." He smacks me on my cheek twice.

I'm numb. No tears fall from my green eyes that I got from my mum. I barely flinch.

"Yes, father." I say, obeying his orders and moving past him and up the stairs to my small bedroom.

That's how my days go at my home.

No... that's how my days go at the house I live at. I wouldn't call it a home.

A home is supposed to be warm and comforting. A house is just a place with a roof.

"You okay?" I jump frightened, snapping out of my daydream. I look over at Harry who is giving me a concerned look.

I smile, "Yeah, I'm fine..." I look over at Ron and Hermione who seem to be flirting with each other... a smirk grows on my face at the two. I always wondered when they would begin to show their attraction for each other.

Harry squeezes my hand trying to get my attention again, "You were staring out the window for a good ten minutes..." he looks down worriedly, "you can tell me if something is wrong."

I run a quick hand through his hair, "I'm okay. Just have a lot on my mind is all." I shrug. He doesn't need to know the truth.

Harry and I began dating the beginning of our fourth year. We became friends the first day we got to Hogwarts as first years.


I trip over someone's foot walking on the train, "Ow!" I cry out falling to the floor.

"Watch where your going next time," A boy snickers. I look up to see a platinum blonde boy with a mischievous smirk on his face, surrounded by what seems to be his friends.

"You did that on purpose!" I yell still on the ground, picking up my belongings.

He laughs, "So?" He asks, acting as if I'm stupid for saying that.

I huff and try to keep myself together. They slam their compartment door shut in my face.

"Here let me help you..." another boy says crouching down to pick up my remaining possessions.

I look up at a small boy with round glasses. His smile makes my heart flutter. "Thank you." I say blushing.

"I'm Harry Potter," he says standing up with all my luggage, "and you are?"

I try taking my bags but he pulls them back to his side giving me a 'don't worry about it' look.

"I'm Ellie Knight," I say following behind him, "but my mom calls me Elle."

We sit in a compartment that has a red-headed boy in it who was covered in chocolate, along with a girl with huge frizzy hair. They were later to be known as Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

They became my best friends after that.

Me and Harry were destined for each other from the start.


Authors note: thoughts!??

My Chosen One ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now