beautiful is a curse

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you had yawned, hovering your hand over your mouth. before moving it back to scratch your head. "gojo-sensei said we have to retrieve sukuna's finger," he replied simply. you grumbled something under your breath, shoving your hands in your pockets.

"i'm seriously going to beat his ass," you groaned, tired from being pulled out of bed for this. sure, it's something important to retrieve. but this was during your afternoon nap. and you hated being woken up from it. especially by a man-child such as gojo himself.

"yeah, me too," megumi agreed. but he seemed calm on the outside more than in. he's usually like this anyway. no point in trying to get a reaction outta him.

not even a moment later, you both arrived to the place satoru had given to you. a school. "can't believe they put a cursed object in a place like this. do people get dumber each generation?" you sighed, messing around with your (color) hair.

"my thoughts exactly," megumi nodded. he approached the stevenson screen, but noticed it was already open. there wasn't a lock. cautiously, he opened it anyway. and surprise! empty! he searched inside. outside. top. bottom. nothing. you watched the whole ordeal, laughing to yourself at how goofy megumi reacted. although, it is a normal way to react when a cursed object goes missing. especially this one in particular.

you had called gojo. "there's nothing," you informed him over the phone.

"huh?" you sighed in frustration, hating how bland his response was.

"it's empty, gojo. get it? nothing inside."

"for real? that hilarious! maybe it took a nighttime stroll."

"you're gonna die."

"well, no going home until it's recovered, okay, (nickname)?"

and he ended the call there. "this bitch," you grumbled, pocketing your phone. you turned to megumi, who stood awkwardly behind you. "megumi, we gotta find it quickly. otherwise we're toast," you spoke nonchalantly.

"i'm gonna punch him," he irked.

"i get first hit."


it was already the next morning. and you and megumi had a mission to complete.

"goddammit. i'm never doing this again," you sighed. you and megumi had to dress into 'school uniforms' to fit in with the students. trying to find out if any of them took the object. megumi wore a simple white collar shirt with black pants. and you wore a white collar shirt as well. but you had a pastel yellow sweater over it, and a light grey skirt. knee high socks to go with it (or just imagine smthn else if u want).

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