ix. not his girl

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Gojo Satoru stirred in his sleep, the soft, fuzzy scent of jasmine filled his nose as he shifted in his sleep, only to find a warm body against him

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Gojo Satoru stirred in his sleep, the soft, fuzzy scent of jasmine filled his nose as he shifted in his sleep, only to find a warm body against him. Oh, damn. He opened his eyes slowly only to find Mayumi chan curled up against him, her hand on his waist. His eyes widened as last night memories flooded in his mind. So, he wasn't drunk. He actually climbed up her balcony.

Damn him.

A small smile tugged his lips as he watched her sleep. Her lips were slightly parted. He could really get used to waking up like this.

“Gojo san?” She croaked and Satoru stilled a breath. Were all girls as adorable as she was? He didn't think so.

“Mayumi chan,” He smiled, putting some distance between them. Truth to be told, he was a bit embarrassed that she had caught him staring at her. “I'm sorry for barging in your apartment last night.”

“Don't be,” she yawned, “I'm happy that you came, Gojo san. Really.”

“Hm?” A smile formed on his lips. That's how Fushiguro Mayumi was. Too good of a person. Definitely didn't go after her stupid stepfather.

“I would have offered you breakfast but I'm sure Megumi wouldn't appreciate you being here.”

“I can see,” He smirked, “I can totally imagine Megumi losing his shit when he sees me coming out of his sister's bedroom.”

“Gojo san!” Her eyes widened, heat coating her nose, “you make everything sound so indecent.”

“Out of h—”

”—Mayu!” A loud knock and he stilled his breath, his girl's eyes wide. “why are you still sleeping? Come.”

“Oh God, Oh God!” A gasp left her mouth as she pushed himself off her bed, “you need to hide!”

Damn. “Why would I hide?”

Her eyebrows rose up at him. “Because you're not supposed to be here!”

“But I don't wanna hide.” He pouted. He didn't actually mean to. But the thought that she was keeping him as a dirty secret made his heart cold.

What did he actually want? Gojo Saturo was confused.

“Hide under my bed!” She hissed and pushed him under the bed. He sighed. Damn Fushiguro Megumi for disrupting his morning with his girl. Oh. Right. Not his girl.

a/n : horribly filler chapter, im sorry writer's block is a bitch

𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟏𝟎𝟏 gojo satoruWhere stories live. Discover now