1 ~ new beginning

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so what could she do now?

she had just got kicked out by her boyfriend due to their differences.

would she even have time to process what just happened?

what should she do?

raising her phone to her ear, she dialed her brother aether.

' he must be able to help, right? '

she wondered, urgent for him to pick up the phone.

" lumine? how come you're calling me? "

" so.. you know how i moved in with, yknow, him? "

" yeah? "

" he just kicked me out. "

" shit. "

aether mumbled, as lumine waited for a response.

" alright, go to nahida. she's told me about the guy our age who she sees as her nephew, and was saying about renting the house since he's barely there. she told you, right? "
he explained.

" yeah. i'll text her now. "

" text me her response. "

" ..aether. "

" yes? "

" thank you. so much. "

lumine started to cry, clutching her phone even tighter.

" it's no problem. "

lumine could practically hear the small smile from aether from the other line, before she hung up and immediately went to text nahida.

lumine could practically hear the small smile from aether from the other line, before she hung up and immediately went to text nahida

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hey nahida, is the offer

about the house still up?

yes, how come?

considering it, since my
boyfriend just kicked
me out.

if you want to,
feel free to come over.

should i come over
right now? and how
much should i pay you?


f course, as payment
is it alright if you tend to
the plants?

i don't have much time
to do them, but kuni will
do them from time to time
when not practising.

of course! :))

turning off her phone, she took in a deep breath and got a taxi there

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turning off her phone, she took in a deep breath and got a taxi there.

she saw terraced houses pass eventually to detached houses, where it was quiet and flowers bloomed. it was so colourful compared to the bleak city. lumine had loved the plants.

her boyfriend said it was better to stay in the city, and it had even caused an argument between them. she ended up getting a modeling job in the city, so just gave up and lived in the place her boyfriend wanted to.

' i'm thinking too much about him.. '

lumine tried to stop her mind from continuing, instead focusing only on the colours that passed by.

slowly, the car had came to a stop. she paid the driver, thanked him and left. she admired the flowers and view, which were different to where she had lived.

she anxiously went up to the door, just about to knock before it opened to her friend.

" welcome, lumine! would you like some tea? "
nahida smiled, motioning for lumine to follow her and put her stuff down.

" do you have chamomile? "
lumine followed her to the kitchen, getting used to the new surroundings and the smell of plants everywhere.

" of course. take a seat. "
nahida pointed to the bar stool at the island counter as she started the kettle.

nahida started conversation, as they eventually started talking about their lives.

nahida mentioned about kaiyo's band and how they sometimes practise at the house, aswell as how they sometimes just hang out for the day.

knowing nahida was a librarian and helped the village, lumine knew now why she was asking her to tend to the flowers. during the conversation, nahida mentioned a booklet about each plant and how much water they needed at certain times.

lumime didn't want to dissappoint, so she promised herself to use the book.

once the tea was brewed, nahida took a seat next to her.

" thank you for the tea. it's amazing, "
lumine exclaimed.

" thank you! "

a couple seconds after, a quiet knock was heard at the door before it opened. he carefully closed the door behind him and noticed them.

" welcome home, kaiyo! "
nahida greeted him, as he bowed and thanked her. once he had finished taking off his shoes, he walked further into the room and spotted lumine.

" whose that? "
he tilted his head lightly and thought if he had ever seen her before, which he hadn't.

" this is lumine! she'll be staying here for a while. she'll tend to the plants most days, okay? you could maybe come up with a schedule. "
nahida explained, smiling at the both of them.

lumine bowed her head in greeting as he did the same.

" oh, okay. i'll put my bag upstairs a moment. "
he quickly went up the stairs, followed by a faint sound of a door opening and closing.

" i hope you two will get along! "
nahida beamed.

" i hope so too, "
lumine said back, wondering when she'll see him during the days.

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