22. Lisa

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Jungkook brought Y/N home from the hospital, carrying her in his arms from the ward to her bedroom. Despite the physical closeness, Y/N remained silent throughout the journey. Her emotions and thoughts were shrouded in the heaviness of the situation, leaving Jungkook yearning for any sign of her feelings.

As he carefully laid her on the bed, he couldn't ignore the profound silence between them. Jungkook, desperate for some acknowledgment, spoke softly.

Jungkook: "Y/N, are you okay?"

her silence persisted, creating a palpable tension in the room. The weight of the unspoken words hung in the air. Jungkook's desire to hear her thoughts clashed with the barrier of her silence.

Sensing Y/N's reluctance to open up, Jungkook decided not to force the situation further.

Instead, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a gesture meant to convey a sense of reassurance. Breaking the lingering silence, he spoke softly.

Jungkook: "I have a meeting, but I'll be back by evening. If you need anything, just let me know."

With that, he left the room, allowing Y/N some space.


Jungkook, downstairs, placed a call to Lisa, one of his most trusted associates. He conveyed a clear instruction to keep a watchful eye on Y/N and to be by her side during his absence.

As Jungkook left for his meeting, Lisa promptly arrived at the Jeon mansion, ready to fulfill the responsibility entrusted to her.

Lisa quietly entered Y/N's room, finding her deep in thought. Y/N, startled by Lisa's presence, looked up with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Y/N: "Who are you?"

Lisa offered a small, reassuring smile as she introduced herself.

Lisa: "I'm Lisa. Jungkook asked me to keep you company while he's away. If you need anything, just let me know."

Y/N, her gaze sharpening, questioned Lisa's presence with a hint of skepticism.

Y/N: "To keep me company or to keep an eye on me?"

Lisa: " both we can say but don't worry trust me I'm not as bad as mr jeon" she joked.

Y/n: " how many years have you been working under Jungkook?"

Lisa: " 5 years mrs jeon"

Y/n: "my name is kim y/n call me y/n not mrs jeon ok".

Lisa: "my apologies but we can't go against mr jeon"

Y/n : "can you leave now i want to sleep"

Lisa: "yes yes well if you need anything i will be right here".

Y/n : "oh yes i need my freedom back and for that a runaway plan"

Lisa: "you don't need to worry about that mr kim will manage all that" lisa smiled and left.

Y/n : "what does that mean, lisa answer me". But lisa left her in confusion with no answer.


Hey everyone I'm sorry i took a very long break but now let's continue our book . And please don't forget to vote.💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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