Wedding 3/3

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An: Y'all, this is THE official last chapter. I Will be releasing the sequel to this soon in a couple of days / weeks. Thank you so much for all of your support. I love you all ❤️

I woke up the next morning in our bed, with a terrible pain in my head. It was like my skull was throbbing. I turn around and I see Ethan. He smiles at me. "Well, good morning, Princess." He says. "Good morning. What happened last night? I don't remember anything." I say. "Devi got pissed you told me she hurt you, so she went crazy Devi mode, stormed across the bar, and pushed you to the ground. You hit your head pretty bad we were in the ER most of the night." He explained. He looked pretty beat up. His usually pretty, flawless, Carmel skin was covered in purple bruises.

"But, what happened to you?" I ask, staring at his bruises.
"Devi. Babe, I was trying to defend you, but she got me. Threw her purse right at me." He said.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. I don't know how I ever trusted her."

"It's ok, all that matters is that my bride to be is ok." He said, earning a smile from Me.

The next three weeks past by super fast. Not a word heard from Devi. I'm not even sure if she's going to show up to the wedding, and I hope she doesn't.

It's the day of the weddings, me and the bridesmaids are getting ready in the hotel we had got the night before, Lynette is doing my makeup, and Fab is helping me with my hair. Aneesa and El are getting ready as well.

"Has anyone heard any word from Devi?" Fab asks, while pinning my hair with a pin.

"I've texted her a couple of times, but no reply." El replies.

Devi always does this and it is so flipping annoying.

I hear my phone buzz, I had two new texts. One from Ethan, and surprisingly one from Devi.

Bae ❤️
8:27 am: Babe, devi showed up at my hotel toom, and she tried to kiss me... I think she's drunk. Help.

Me: You can't see me yet, I'll send El.

"El, devi is in Ethan's hotel room right now and she's trying to steal my fiance, can you go see what's happening please."

El sighs "Why can't she just leave you alone? I'll go check it out." She says.

"Thanks so much El!" I shout, as she abes our room.

I don't bother to look at the text from Devi, as I'm sure it would stress me out even more. So I just continue getting ready with my friends.

30 minutes pass and Eleanor still hasn't returned. Me, Fab, Aneesa and Lynette are worried. I pick up my phone to call Ethan.


"Ethan's what's happening over there?"
"Devi. The fucking psycho shows up to our wedding and tries to kiss me! I called security, and El is with security talking about the situation, since it happened when she was there. I'm so sorry all this is happening on our big day, babe."

"Oh my gosh. I really thought Devi was my friend. All these years..." The realization has finally hit me. My 'best friend' of 4 years was never my best friend. My phone dropped to the floor, as I plopped down onto the ground. The girls instantly come to comfort me.

"Oh my gosh! Adrianna, what's wrong sweetie?" Lynette asks.

"Devi." I manage to say before tearing up.

"I can't believe Crazy Devi would have the audacity to do this on YOUR wedding day. I can't believe I ever considered her a friend after all the crap she pulled. " Aneesa says, sitting down right next to me and hugging me.

After about 45 minutes, I had finally stopped crying. I had messed up all my makeup and my wedding was in 2 hours.

"Shit! The wedding is in 2 hours! Girls what do I do?" I ask, in a panicky tone.

"Take deep breaths, riri, we will help you get all glammed up before the wedding. Trust us." Lynette says.

I take a deep breathe.

"Ok. Thank you girls, you really are the best. You're real friends. Unlike Devi. That... That... Uhm... That husband stealer!" I say, chuckling at my dumb joke, along with everyone else.

After an hour, my makeup was done.

Now it was time to touch up my hair. It just needed a bit of hair spray. It was a braided bun.

 Random Inspo pic I found on Pinterest

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Random Inspo pic I found on Pinterest. credits to @ dicas de mulher on Pinterest!

With an hour left, I needed to put my dress on, and my jewelry.

First, my dress. It was a mermaid cut, lacey, white dress. It was absolutely beautiful! (There was so many wedding photos I couldn't just choose one from Pinterest, but if you look up "mermaid cut lace wedding dress" you'll find tons!)

After about 10 minutes, my dress was one, and I needed to put on my gold diamond studs, and my necklace.

Finally, right on time, it was time to drive to the church for the ceremony.

Eleanor texted me and said that she would meet us there, with Ethan.

An: I have not done very much research on receptions, so I will just do the vows part sorry!

Ethan has arrived, and the ceremony is ready to start.

I walked down the aisle in my bouquet, my beautiful dress on display for everyone to see. With a smile on my face since it is my big day.

I get to the alter and Ethan is grinning at me "you look so gorgeous." He says.
I smile back.
"Thank you! You too." I say, Giggling a bit.

(Guys, I apologize this is not 100% accurate I'm in a rush to finish this since it's been about a month or two I'm so sorry if this is disrespectful to any of you by not being 100% accurate) (:

- vow time - (I skipped past all the other stuff because there's just so much to choose from, and I didn't know which ones to pick for the ceremony I'm so sorry)

"Ethan Morales, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, To live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, and to comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks.

"I do." Ethan says.

"Adrianna Garcia, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, To live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, and to comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks.

"I do." I say.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest says to Ethan.

Ethan. Wraps his arms around my neck and shoulders, pulling me close and kissing me.

The audience claps.

An: I will be creating a new Ethan Morales story, being a sequel to this one. Keep an eye out for it in the next two weeks. I would just like to say thank you for everybody that has been reading this for the past few months. Or even new readers. I REALLY appreciate you! Thank you so much for all of the support.

The end

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