🍀 04

421 13 2

"What.." Was all Shinichiro could utter out.

The desk was empty again, no sign of a certain h/c haired girl anywhere in school.

He asked her two guy friends: Baji, Chifuyu.

Another strange thing?

Reiko Hatsumi was gone too-- with her.

Two days without her. He checked his contacts. Ten messages yet not a single reply, clutching his phone tigtly, he sighed and shoved in back inside his pockets and proceed to walk to his next classes.

If she was avoiding him, he could understand it if she was gone for just mere three days but even Reiko was now back and she actually excused herself since it had something to do with her family. But Y/N? A week has passed yet not even her silhoutte was seen, he asked Reiko and to his surprise-- even Reiko couldn't reply to him.

Shinichiro had his head down, sitting on the benches of the school's rooftop and he let the cool breeze ease his mind yet all he could think was Y/N.

His mind kept going back and forth to her and the kiss cause it all started when he kissed her. He really did go too far.

But he didn't regret it-- No matter how stressed he may seem right now for not seeing Y/N already in a week, he couldn't regret it. Call him selfish but that's what it felt like.

Shinichiro ran his fingers through his hair and threw his head back after letting out an exasperated sigh.

He stood up from the bench and was about to take his leave when his phone suddenly made a sound and he immediately checked his phone, hoping she finally replied only to groan when it's just the daily news.

He shoved it in his pockets again, Shin always read the articles but right now? With Y/N always in his mind-- he doubts even the daily ... Most dramatic news can distract him.

After attending all his assigned classes, the sky was now in the hue of orange and yellow. People were leaving the school and he was still inside the faculty office to gather his stuff. Grabbing his bag, he stepped out of the office and walked through the empty hallway.

When he reached the exit, a voice called out for his name making him turn to face where it came from.

He saw the redhead and she had her arms crossed.

"Hatsumi, what is it?"

Reiko sighed. "Can we talk?"

He shrugged. "Is it important? I'd love to talk but I have unfinished works that need to be done ton--'

"It's Y/N."

He stopped and he looked at her for a few seconds with slightly surprised eyes but then he scratched his nape.

"Sure. What is it?"

Reiko let another sigh and she began to walk, expecting him to follow and he did.

"Sensei, are you and Y/N-"

"No. But I love her."

Reiko stopped and looked at her teacher in surprise but then she smiled in pure affection-- not to him but to her bestfriend.

"Reiko, just please tell me where she is." He faced her and even she could see the frustration in his eyes  and his jaw was clenched.

Reiko nodded. She understood Y/N's reasonings to hide but someone was hurting here and it was unfair.

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now