Chapter 1

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You spin around, taking in your surroundings as you realize you're lost. You've been walking for 10 minutes, trying to find the convenience store to buy some groceries for your mom.

A cold breeze sends shivers down your spine as you decide what to do. Coming to Busan during winter was not a good idea, especially when your junior year is coming to an end soon. But it's not like you had a choice. 

"Mom said to go left after 2 blocks so it must be somewhere around here," you think to yourself. You were never good at following directions. 

As you continue to walk, you see a boy running (faster than the wind) towards you. 

You don't recognize him. You look around confused, wondering why he was running. You're the only person standing in the street. 

What the hell? Who is he running to?

Then another thought strikes you.

Is he going to mob me?!

 He's getting closer and closer, there's no point in escaping now. You start fidgeting, worried what might happen.

To your surprise, the boy doesn't bat an eye and just runs past you. You sigh. 

"Get a grip Y/n, Busan is not like Seoul."

You didn't bother asking him directions. It's not like you could.

Right now, from where you're standing you can see a park and a closed cafe. You spot a woman sitting on a bench in the park and decide to approach her for directions.

Thankfully the kind woman helps you and you find yourself back on track. You continue walking, taking in your new neighborhood.

 "I have to admit the air does feel much fresh and peaceful here than it does in Seoul," you mumble to yourself.

Hopefully things will be different here.

As you walk, you come across the biggest house you've ever seen in your life. It's a beautiful house that looks like a modern version of a bungalow. From where you're standing, you can see a swimming pool and a basketball court. It looks like something that came straight out of a movie. Despite the house being well kept, it seemed to be empty.

"Life is so unfair," you say to yourself. "God what I would give to live in a house like that."

As you're stuck in your thoughts, you see the convenience store loom around the corner. Happy to have finally reached it, you immediately hurry up and enter the store, grabbing a basket.

"Annyeonghaseyo," you greet the elder woman seated behind the counter and begin your hunt for groceries. You pull out the list your mom gave you and check off each item as you add it to the basket. Another customer comes in a few minutes later but you're too absorbed in your work to notice.

Once you're done checking off everything your mom needed, you decide to buy something for yourself as you're hungry. You grab a corn dog and head to the drinks section as you feel thirsty.

You take a look around but you don't find what you're looking for. You were about to head to the bill counter when you noticed something in your peripheral vision. It was your favorite drink, banana milk. 

There was only one  banana milk left and it's on the top of the shelf, too high for you to reach. Nevertheless, you love banana milk so you try grabbing it, standing on your tiptoes. You almost touched the bottle when suddenly, out of nowhere a hand comes and snatches it before you could.

Frustrated, you turn around to see a handsome boy staring at you, clutching the banana milk in his hand. He's so tall that he's towering over you. 

Isn't he the one who was running before?

You see the beads of sweat on his forehead, confirming your suspicion.

After watching endless dramas, your delusional brain waits for the handsome boy to hand the banana milk to you. You hold your hand out expectantly. Instead he just keeps staring at you. If you didn't know any better you'd say that he looks confused, like he recognizes you from somewhere. You pray that he doesn't. Your first encounter with him was way too embarrassing.

When you're about to open your mouth to ask him for the banana milk, the boy turns and heads to the billing counter, leaving you alone. 

"What the...?"

After a few seconds, you snap out of your shock and follow him.

"Excuse Me!"

"What?" runner boy asks, clearly annoyed. 

"You just took that banana milk when I was going to get it," you say pointing a finger at him accusingly.

"So? You didn't actually reach it and I want it," he says leaning against the counter and staring at you once again. 

"Well so do I!"

"I saw it first," he says.

"I made a grab for it first", you say, not backing down.

The boy lets out an exasperated sigh and bends down to the exact same level as you. You gulp when you realize how close he is. 

"Your tiny hands couldn't even reach it Shortie. It's mine."

"I do NOT have tiny ha—"

He turns, pays for the banana milk and leaves the store before you could finish. You remain transfixed, wondering what the hell just happened. You scoff.

"What a jerk! I'll be the happiest person if I never see him again."

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