His love for Him

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Amidst a dull cold night of blue. Two young shadows race upon the soft ground of white. Dashing away from the darkness trapped within the city. They yearn for happiness never given to them. Passing coal tainted trees of December, rushing against the gripping wind of youth. The sound of bells ring upon the arrival of the coming holiday. Two breaths fruitlessly overlap in the blur of the night. I silently whisper across your ear "Just grab my hand, close your eyes and don't let go." Holding tightly he lends me his trust.

In this town of solitude, it was just me and you. Leaning and depending on each other for support and love. In the beginning we were all alone, abandoned, nameless, broken. Our gears were slowly rusting. But fate saved us, giving you me and me you. Even if it was forbidden love, you were the only one I had and loved. It didn't matter what the earth had thought of our intimacy, after all the earth will continue spinning never stopping. Snow silently obstructs my freedom tonight, as my numb fingers block his eyes from vision. Our faces were both painted pale with a strike of blush. Brushed white sweaters with vintage jeans. Today was your fourteenth precious birthday, as I planned a little surprise. With you having no idea, I just kept going, guiding you. Few moments later, we finally arrive at our destination with our breaths running looking for air. I move my frozen hands away from your fragile eyes untangling the thread between us. You begin gasping in awe as your eyelids slowly open.

Atop the hidden mountain unknown to any. Lay the city lights glittering, neon lights glistening, car lights shine upon us. The bright stars above sparkle with beauty giving elegance to the world below. I could smell the crisp aroma of the cool breeze. Birds of white soar across the blinding aurora. Nature sprout upon the chilled earth spreading goodness. The hazed sun soon yet to set, sleeping with the translucent moon within the deep sky. Trees of white crowd above lonely shadows shielding earth. Dull shades of colors float above our heads as ice gently fall down in sorrow. My heart beating faster with you near me.

Sitting upon the soft snow under the white glowing tree I nervously call out to him, "Hey, uhh, Happy Birthday! I'm sorry if I came out too late. I meant to show this view to you long before but just never had the chance I guess." I awkwardly smile looking down in embarrassment. But when I gaze up, you were there, smiling, comforting me. The kindness within that one smile took away my guilty feelings. Your love swayed like the waves of the calm sea. Crashing against the shore of my heart. He suddenly then says with gentle feelings, "What are you talking about? This the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... Thank you." I responded with a gentle grin. He extends his long arms out into the mist gathering snow. It gradually melts with time, hiding upon your sleeves of your sweater. With sudden pause, he turns and asks, "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Hesitating, I replied, "Um, sure. What is it?"

Pausing for a few seconds he breaths, "This might sound weird but... You'll always stay by my side, right? You'll always remember me right?"

With slight surprisement I responded, "Of course. How can I? We are fated, chained upon by strings of our love, right?"

He starts showing his beautiful smile again as we both then start laughing like little kids we are. He lays his right side of his warm face on top of my lap, facing toward the horizon, with eyes closed, as I begin to caress his soft thin strings of dark brown. The sun slowly sets showing compassion as I gaze at your nose, lips, eyes. Admiring the given view, I couldn't have wished for anything else but to stay like this forever. The night lasted and felt eternal as we shared the moment together talking, laughing, enjoying, loving. While the stars began twinkling with delight, we both soon departed with humble feelings and day ended with laughs. I then realized the hidden truth never noticed before, he was my happiness.

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