First day at school

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(Art at the top is mine do not steal)

Noah pov:
It was my first day at Wawanakwa high.
This school is run by the producers of "total drama" (pretend he didn't compete).
I got up got dressed and grabbed some toast on my way out.
The school wasn't actually to far from my house so it wasn't that bad to walk to.

I got to the school and it didn't look to bad. I was very early so I sat down on a bench and started to read for a bit.

I heard foot steps behind me I think they we're running.


I jumped.

"Holy shit- bro hello?"

"Oops sorry I got excited to see a new face around here!"

I look up at the person. A short probably 5'1 boy with chest nut brown hair and beep blueish teal eyes was talking to me.

"Oh cool."
I looked back down at my book.
"And you are?"

"Oh sory yeah I'm Noah. Noah Sterecra."

"Oop. That's a bit formal. I'm Cody. Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson."

"Holy shit that's a long name."

"Yeah- you can call me Cody EJ Anderson. Or just Cody"

"Well nice to meet you Cody."
I go back to reading.

"Um what are you reading?"

"(Insert book name)"

"Oh cool!"

The bell finally rings so I can get away from this awkward situation.

"I'll see you later i guess"

"Oh yeah bye Noah!"

I walk away and wave without looking.
I started walking towards my tutor room. (British terms). I got a bit lost but I made it in the end.

I get to my tutor room my teacher is. Chef hatchet.
The chef is my tutor.
He noticed me walk in.
(I can't be bothered to act like chef)
"Hello you must be Noah? Correct?"
"Yes sir."
"Well hello Noah you can go sit next to um Cody over there"
"Oh Cody EJ Anderson?"
"Oh you guys know each other?"
"We met this morning."
I walk over to Cody and sit down
"Hi Noah!"

"Ok class here's a new things set in place for the rest of the year. Whoever your sat next to right now is your partner in every class for the rest of the year."

"Oo we're partners!"
I say sarcastically. This will be a long year.
"I know right so fun!"
Does he not understand sarcasm.. great.
"Mhm. Just don't annoy me"
"I'll try!"

"You may go to your first class now"

I pack my stuff up and head to my first class English.

As I'm walking cody catches up to me.

"Do you have to say hi so loud.."

"Oh sorry" he giggled awkwardly I noticed he has a gab tooth it was kinda cute- ew what the hell am i thinking I just met this kid.

"It's fine don't worry"
"Oh ok! Can we walk together since we sit next together."



I walk in silence while he's blabbering about something like I think Minecraft or roblox-

"Oh and I even found emerald!"

"Mhm cool." I say not even listening

"I know right! Oh we're here!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me into class

"Bro." I take his hand off I liked it a bit- NOPE!

"Oh sorry!"

"It's fine."
I follow him to our seats.

"Blah blah blah English stuff"

I started to work on what we were told to do.

"Noah what are we doing?"

"Did you not listen to what sir said."


"Ugh we're doing (insert task here)"

"Ugh boringgggg!" He swings backwards on his chair almost falling backwards.

"Oh my- are you ok dude-"

"Just- just don't do that again man"

"Nah it's fun!" He does it again and this time he actually falls "shit"

All eyes turned instantly on us i help him up while everyone laughs at him.

"You alright?" Ask slightly concerned.

"Ye- no actually no I'm not my head hurts-"
I put my hand up and ask to take him to the nurse.

We head to the nurse

"How are you so stupid-"


"You literally fell backwards off a chair because you were swinging on it."



We make it to the nurse and she asks what happened cody wasn't listening so I had to say for him.

"He was swinging back on his chair and fell he hit his head on the wall"

"Thank you- um- who are you again.."


"Thank you Noah"

She faced Cody
"How many times do I have to tell you to not swing on that goddam chair I can't keep sending you home because of this."

"Hehe- sorryyyy"
My god this guy was a pain.
"I don't want to go home!"

"Well you have to you hit your head really hard.."

"Nuh uh"

"Cody you have to go home I'm calling your parents"


She was a bit taken back.
"Cody? Why not!"

"Just please don't call them I beg you ma'am"
He was speaking and acting differently.
I looked at him concerned.
"Okay okay I won't.. do you have somewhere else you can go for the day"


"He can come to mine."
He looked at me beaming



"Thank you Noah I'll send you and cody back to yours"


Me and Cody leave the nurses office.
Cody was basically out of if I was pulling him to my house.

We make it to mine.

I'm stopping this here because it's getting long and I can't write a story even if my life depended on it..
I'll make p2 soon..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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