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It was a nice evening in Happy Tree Town. The air was chilly, yet not too chilly. Nutty was on his way to the market to grab some groceries for him and Disco Bear. They think to himself how proud he was of themselves and of Disco Bear. He managed to escape an abusive ex girlfriend, and overcame all the difficulties he has faced in his childhood. He walks into the market, grabs a shopping cart, and immediately makes his way to the candy aisle. "You sure love your candy, don't you?!" a blue moose exclaims. "Oh... Hi, Lumpy! How are you today?" The green squirrel happily says. "I'm doing awesome! How are you and Disco Bear? I'm sure he treats you amazing!" "Yes, yes! He treats me very nicely, and I am lucky to have met him. Anyways, I will be going, it was great to see you. Have a good day, Lumpy!" "You too, Nutty!" Nutty then gets what they need, check out, and walks on home. in the meantime, Disco Bear is sitting at his vanity table, applying some makeup, and fixing his afro. He hears Nutty walk in, and his tail immediately starts to wag. "Aye... Hello, Nutty! How are ya? How was it at the grocery store? Was it busy? Saw any groovy people there?" Disco said with a big smile beaming on his face. "Umm... I did actually! I saw Lumpy and he was very friendly. Lumpy is always very friendly with people." "He sure is! He's a pretty groovy fella alright." Nutty moves closer to Disco, placing his head on Disco's shoulder. Disco Bear pets Nutty's head, moves closer to them as well, and makes himself comfortable. "I love you, Disco Bear. Thank you for always being there and supporting me no matter what. You truly are... groovy... just like what you always say, hehehe..." That made Disco blush. He places a kiss on Nutty's cheek, and gently replies "I love you more, Nutty sweetie. You truly are a sweetheart, hun~" The two spend the rest of the cold, November evening together, cuddling and playing some video games together.

Cold, November evening.Where stories live. Discover now