It Is Me

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"It's not you,it's me",
We've all heard the line before,
Knowing it's just an excuse,
To leave you with a sense of peace.
But it doesn't leave me peace,
No, I just think it's unfair,
Because if it's your fault,
Then why does it hurt me more.

You move on,
You laugh and smile,
And talk to other girls,
Ones more kind and pretty,
Than I'll ever be.
I don't get that.
I'm still hurt.

I'm stuck in time,
Feeling the same way I did,
The day we broke up,
But it's months later.
I still cry over you,
wondering what's so bad with me?
What could've made you stay?

I'm still waiting for you,
Part of me unwilling to let go,
I'd wait years for you.
It's almost funny,
Because you told me that once,
And yet here we are,
You're in her bed,
While I reread the love letters you gave me.

I miss the talks we had,
laughing till 3am,
Seeing your dimple,
the one you only have with a real smile.
I miss playing chess,
And you letting me win, I always knew.
I miss planning our wedding,
making color boards.
I miss the way you kissed,
When you stop, stare,
And call me beautiful.

Most importantly I miss you.
I'm in love with you.
That's what is unfair,
because while you say it's you,
I'm still in love with you,
And me?
You feel indifferent to me.

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