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Dear Phil,

Today I am writing to you from a small office in Glasgow. They promoted me at work so I'm spending a week here to "broaden my horizons" as Melissa called it. I don't want to broaden my horizons, I was happy to work from the office in London, but she says it's good for me to experience different working environments and I suppose I have to admit that there is some sense in there. All I have to do is web design for some local companies but I suppose it's good work experience, and I'm getting paid so thats all that matters.

Since beginning this letter I've decided to change my initial idea for the extra money I'm getting paid for this job. I've decided I want to instead make your welcome home party the most extravagant and special party anyone has ever thrown you. I want you to feel as loved and important as you are and I want to show you how much I love you.

I'm going to bed with my heart filled with the image of your face, your eyes and your soft lips.

 I love you always, 


Dear Phil [Phan]Where stories live. Discover now