Flying Brotatos...

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Me: So, ye wanna see what we do when we aren't doing dares or writing books? Well, sit down, relax and watch as we do our normal, everyday activities!
A potato flew around my room, where the camera is recording and tons of FNAF and MLP stuff is posted all over the walls, and Webkinz are on top of the dresser. The magical potato disappeared and Springtrap walked into the room, his face had tear stains from possibly sobbing because of something.
Me: Bro, a Brotato flew around my room before you came.
Springtrap: A what?
Me: A BROTATO!!!!!!
Springtrap: Fangirls ripped off my ear, well what remained of my ear. And they beat me up and ran away...
Me: So that's what happened to you, I could clearly tell that you were crying about something. SMILE, WE ARE IN THE FACE OF WATTPAD!!!!
Springtrap: IM ON A CAMERA?!?!? *shyly runs behind me and whimpers* I don't like cameras...
Me: Dude, you ruined my shot!
Another brotato flies around my room, and Bonnie burst open the door and slammed it behind him. Bonnie looked like he was running around trying to hide from someone. Springtrap was surprised that an actual potato flew around my room, though that happens every time someone is about to enter.
Me: A brotato flew around my room before you came.
Bonnie: Thats nice to know... But I have people chasing me right now... *pants and holds the door closed*
Me: *locks the door* Hey, take it easy on yourself. I don't want anyone to get hurt...
Bonnie: I'm fine... Just need a break from running... *slides down to his knees* and standing...
Springtrap: Are you sure your okay bro? *gently carries Bonnie and places him on my bed*
Bonnie: Yeah, I'm fine.
Me: We are on camera, so smile!
Bonnie: Hi? *waves to the camera*
Me: Hi my Cupcake Army, we are going to take over the world someday!
Bonnie: That sounds fun, well funner than running away from Fangirls...
Springtrap shivered at the sound of Fangirls... You can tell how much he likes them! No seriously, don't fangirl near Springtrap... He'll make sure you die that very day... Or should I say night. So, I walk out of my room and show you the hallway. The crew decorated the hallway with stuff that Foxy and Luna painted together, and they painted the walls a light purple. Springtrap chose out the color, and everybody thought that color was pretty thus making these walls that prettyful color! I lead the camera into the kitchen where
Chica, Toy Chica and Mangle were cooking lasangua. I cannot tell you how much I love lasangua!
Me: Guys that smells AMAZING!!!!!
Mangle: Thanks, we know how much you love our cooking!
Chica: Hey, do you think pizza goes with lasangua?
Me: If you try hard enough, I bet you could make anything go with pizza.
Chica: hmmm... What if I made pizza with hamburger meat on it!
Me: Uh, that's already called a Hamburger Pizza.
Chica: DARN IT!!!!!! CURSE YOU PIZZA HUT!!!!!!!
Mangle: *waves into the camera* Hi guys, Springtrap fixed me up! Uh, Kibbles... You might wanna run before Chica destroys your cam.
Me: Okay, I'm gonna show them the living room, wanna come with?
Mangle: Sure! *takes the camera and shows me* This is Kibblez' awesome outfit guys!
I was wearing a pink dress with orange flowers sown on, my hair was in a bun and I wasn't wearing any shoes because I'm inside.
Me: Mangle, shall you let the Army see our amazing living room!
Mangle: Sure!
Our living room has a huge chandelier in the middle of the room, and the couches had light violet covers on them... That was Daisy's idea. I actually think the couches are a great color!
Mangle: So, this is our elegant living room, it does match our personalities quite well... Doesn't it Kibblez!
Me: Yep, it does!
Mangle walked into her room, and she showed off her bed... Mangle thinks her bedroom is the best thing in the world. Luckily for you guys, I took the camera from Mangle and went into my secret at-home hideout. Well, its just my basement... Where the Nightmare begins! JK, its only the Nightmare Animatronics!
Nightmare Foxy: *blushes and licks me* Did that excite you?
Me: *blushes and licks Nightmare Foxy back* Did that excite you?
We kept on licking eachother and asking if that excited eachother, I'm guessing Nightmare Foxy did this as a game. Nightmare Freddy's heads kept on chewing on me, and the main head was crying as if he was depressed.
Me: What's wrong buddy?
Nightmare Freddy: My stomach is hurting but my heads won't stop eating!
Me: Guys, can you leave the poor guy alone? For me?
Head #1: Sure, I would be happy too!
Head #2: Seriously, your gonna let a girl control you?
Head #3: She looks nice, and her voice is very sweet.
Head #2: *continues to eat*
Nightmare Freddy: Stop it! *groans in pain*
Me: *smacks head #2* Stop it now! Your hurting your own body! Hey, are you okay bro?
Nightmare Freddy: I don't think so...
Head #1: Hang in there bro! You can live through this!
Nightmare Freddy: You guys ate too much...
Me: Shhh, its okay. We all have those moments where we ate a little to much, right Bonnie?
Bonnie: *when did he get in the basement? Oh, he went to get his jacket* Yeah... No more huge pancakes for me!
Nightmare Freddy: I don't feel to good...
Bonnie: Its alright... HEY STOP BITING ME!!!!
Head #2: *continues to eat Bonnie's shirt*
Nightmare Freddy: STOP IT!
Head #2: Fine...
Bonnie: Thanks buddy, you helped someone today. So, they ate too much?
Nightmare Freddy: Yeah.
Bonnie: Don't worry, it'll get better in no time. Just don't eat anything else today and it'll go away!
Nightmare Freddy: *pukes in his mouth*
Me: That's not good... *hands Nightmare Freddy a trash can*
Nightmare Chica: I made some pizza!
Nightmare Bonnie: Right now isn't the best time for pizza.
Nightmare Freddy: *pukes into the trash can*
Bonnie: Hey can I have some pizza creepy version of Chica?
Nightmare Chica: Sure! *hands Bonnie some pizza*
Bonnie: Thanks! *eats pizza and then looks over at Nightmare Freddy* Dude, you look horrible!
Nightmare Freddy: I feel horrible too...
Bonnie: Hush sweetie, it'll feel better soon. Do you need some medicine?
Nightmare Freddy: I guess that would help a little...
Bonnie: I'll be right back, okay?
Me: I'm going upstairs, so just hollar if you need anything.
Nightmare Chica: HOLLAR!
Me: You need me?
Nightmare Chica: No, its just fun to hollar!
Me: Your so weird!
I walk upstairs and walk back into my room, where Springtrap was crying and saying something... I'm not used to him just bursting into tears when nobody's around.
Me: What's wrong bro?
Springtrap: huh?
Me: I'm here bro, what's bothering you?
Springtrap: My ear hurts... Well what used to be my ear.
Me: Do you want me to get you some painkillers for you?
Springtrap: NO DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!
Oh yeah, the whole "hates being alone" thing. I'm still not used to that...
Me: Shhhh, your okay. I'm not going to leave you...
Springtrap: *is crying into my shoulder*
Me: LOOK AT ME IMMA CAKE!!!! *turns into a cake*
Springtrap: SIS!!!!!!! *starts bawling* My Sis...
Chica: IM BURTSING IN!!!! *carefully opens the door* Springtrap are you alright?
Daisy: Shhh, your crying over a cake?
Springtrap: *sniffle* That's my sis... *hugs Daisy tightly and blushes as he cries into her shoulder*
Daisy: Its alright... She's going to be just fine? *has tears in her own eyes*
Chica: I don't like cake anymore... What flavor is it? *cuts the cake*
Me: OWWW!!! *changes into human form and has a knife in my arm* DAT HURT GURL!!!!!!
Daisy: Springtrap, your sis is back...
Springtrap: *is sleeping and blushing*
Daisy: Awwww~, the little boy needed a nap ^-^
Springtrap: *smiles in his sleep*
Me: Awwww~ I think he likes you!
Daisy: He's a cutie pie!
Me: Well, its time to close this!
Daisy: Goodbye Cupcake Army!
Chica: Bye!
Me: See you next time! *turns off camera*

Goodbye my little cupcakes! Have a derptastic day!

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