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From a young age, the girl knew she was possessed. She knew in her heart that something had taken hold of her, she had never hurt anyone, and as far as anyone around could tell, she was completely normal. Lilith had good marks in school, helped when asked, kept clean, avoided boys, etc. As long as she could remember, there was a sinister part that she kept hidden, as though she knew to keep it quiet- a seething, angry, and hateful area in her heart and mind that she wouldn't dare share with the world.

Lilith was raised by a normal family, loving parents, two siblings, family dinners- things most kids these days seem to lack. While seemingly well-adjusted, Lilith fantasized about blood, about taking lives, she dreamt of it, she pined for it. Somehow she was able to deal with this fetish, this yearning, without changing her pace in life. No one would suspect her, and when her mother mentioned a babysitting job, her heart raced. This could be her chance to satiate her bloodlust. Finally, her dreams and desires might come true. Being alone with an innocent 9-year-old overnight, This was her chance. Lilith had 2 days to plan out how she would do it, finally break the chains of her passion. She was of sound mind enough not to write down her plans, she avoided searching terms online, but a string of home invasions that showed up on her social media let her know exactly how she would make sure she stayed free.

As the girl approached the home of the family hiring her, she had to wipe a bit of drool from her mouth. The lust was starting to take over, yet she composed herself as she knocked at the door. The father of the kid answered first, he seemed kind, albeit rushed for the trip. Lilith was welcomed in, and the mother came out and introduced herself. She informed Lilith that she could help herself to any of the food, as parents are to do, and even hinted that as she was 18 she could have a glass of wine or a beer (after all, they were kind folks and Lilith had an amazing reputation in town). The 9-year-old came from the kitchen to be introduced as her mother called for her. Lilith was introduced to the little boy, and after some more chatting, the parents left for the night. Lilith and the boy talked, watched television, had snacks and ice cream later than the parents would have wanted, but they were having a good time.

Approaching 9 p.m., the boy yawned and stretched his arms and Lilith suggested he lay down. The young boy declined Lilith's offer of a story and to be tucked in and headed to his bed upstairs. Lilith was neaer foamenting, her body pulsed, her blood boiled, and she could nearly feel her heart beat out of her chest. This was what she had been waiting for so long. She began to look around the house to plan and establish the story. As Lilith visualized the culmination of her fantasy unfolding in front of her very eyes, she walked the house silently, checking for cameras, the doors, and the windows. The time for her bloodlust hadn't arrived yet, she wanted to wait for the witching hours. Lilith wanted to wait to honor the dark evil that she felt pulse through her for as long as she could recall.

The kid was asleep. Hearing the sound of his snoring and knowing she would be able to fulfill her desires at the right time, Lilith crept away from the bedroom door and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Careful not to leave evidence, she used a towel from a drawer in the kitchen to unlock and open the door. A knife from her pocket slit the screen on the outer summer door, and closing the main door, Lilith proceeded to break the glass of the main door. Reaching in with the towel, she made sure to smudge the locks and doorknobs, afterward stepping over the glass as she made her way back to the couch with a glass of wine.

Our demoniac started a movie-nothing gruesome, as one would suspect, but something light-hearted, she was riled up enough and didn't want to lose control of her passions until it was the right time. "Be patient, little girl." She could hear the voice of the monster telling her... Her bloodlust moving in her body, she ached, her back arched, thinking about what she would be doing but behaving for that dark thing inside of her, after all, it always seemed to know best.

Biting her lip, Lilith waited, her tongue rubbing against her teeth. She checked her phone. 3 A.M. She shuddered, and removing a knife from her bag that she had wrapped softly, she made her way upstairs to the boy's room. Opening the door, she could see his outline in the bedding. The first time the knife came down into the meat, she was beyond exhilarated. As she proceeded to drive the knife down into the boy, she smiled, her body spasming in ecstasy as the blood pooled up and soaked the blanket. Lilith had only tasted blood twice that she could recall, once when she was slightly older than her victim playing volleyball and another girl had split her lip, and the second time she had tried her own menstruation. After stabbing down around 30 times, the girl licked the blood. She was elated to find that it tasted far different from her own, it was less metallic tasting, more dull... she loved it. As she made her way into the bathroom, Lilith decided the boy was not enough. Bloodlust took over her again, that dark presence inside of her, the taste of the blood arousing her. Lilith decided the plan would change. If the boy's blood tasted that good, the parents must be either better or close. Either way, Lilith needed to lick more from her knife, and now the plan had changed to match, instead of faking a break-in, Lilith would sweep the glass, act as though nothing had happened when the parents came home, and kill them both.

With the mess in the kitchen cleaned, the girl steeled herself and calmed down. She was going to stay over anyway and needed to relax herself. Deciding to kill the husband first was best, he was unassuming but seemed stronger than the wife, and strategically, she figured it would be downhill from there.

Lilith fell asleep while thinking of how to cover a triple homicide, but she had learned to be on her feet over the years and knew a relaxed mind was a sound mind. The alarm went off an hour before the parents were scheduled to be home. Lilith touched up her makeup and started breakfast for four, knowing there would be one dinner shy. The plan was simple, run a hot bath for the wife, and while serving breakfast flash a bit of skin to the husband, him first and then her. Burn the house down and walk away. Lilith considered cutting herself, leaving a trail of blood out of the house and fading into the world to kill again, the thought made her wet. Finally, the time came for the parents to be home. Lilith had prepared eggs, bacon, toast, and a fresh pot of coffee and set the table for 4. The husband and wife came in to the amazing smell of the food. Lilith had been pretty good at everything she had done in her life, and she was anxious for the couple to taste it. When asked, Lilith said that the boy was in bed, she would rise him, and that she ran a warm bubble bath for the wife. The couple was surprised, Lilith had come with high recommendations, but his was beyond the call. The wife finished her food and went to enjoy the bath after a long night. She thanked Lilith and told her husband that he had better "tip her appropriately" before thanking the girl again and soaking in the hot tub.

While cleaning plates from the table, Lilith unbuttoned her blouse at the sink before turning to ask the husband if there was anything else she could do for him before leaving, to which he responded no, and instead he went to his chair to relax and read the paper. This was her time. Her body once again overwhelmed with the need, Lilith removed her shoes and moved silently to the chair. The husband was fully focused on the newspaper, she could nearly taste his blood. Lilith positioned the knife carefully to avoid her reflection and giving her target a warning.

Lilith found it odd that the knife never made its target, and she fell to the floor when the knife fell. The girl could only look forward as she lay on the ground. She was very confused as to why she was unable to move when she heard the small voice behind her. The husband was still looking at the paper. "Did I do well?" The voice spoke. "I did like you guys said and dragged her dog in after the bike ride and put it in my bed". The Husband was still looking at his newspaper. He simply responded, "Yes, buddy, you sure did."

Lilith was unable to see much around her; her body had somehow lost function below her eyes. She was too afraid to even try and speak when she heard the footfalls and the voice of the wife coming down the stairs, "Aw Teddy, our little boy did so well with his first!" Lilith felt herself being dragged, unable to move. The wife told the boy to shower up, and they would be going to whatever lunch he wanted. Lilith's head bounced off the first basement stair and then the second before she could hear the husband say, "Hey, is this one a virgin?" While Lilith was unable to feel what was happening, she knew because she was crooked on the staircase. The wife responded, "Yes, this one is!" "Hang her with the other's sweetie." "Of course, Hun! Oh, I know it's early, but how does meat loaf sound for dinner?" Lilith thought she heard a yes, but was too busy with her eyes going black with every step, she was dragged down into the dark basement.

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