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Full Name: Hazel Lucana

Aliases, Nicknames, & Titles: Hazel Reyes (alias)

Species: Half Witch Half Devil

Age: At least a thousand years old

APPEARANCE (human form only):

Height: 5'5"

Build: Short and agile.

Hair: Long, dark brown hair

Eyes: hazel

Facial Features: Expressive, with one eye capable of turning red when invoking her wrathful side

Scars: One scar leading from her empty left eye socket to the corner of her lips and one from ear to ear across her throat, an injury that damaged her vocal cords in the past. Miscellaneous other scars across her body from training

Style: Tends to dress in dark, practical clothing suitable for an assassin, reflecting her training under Maranda.

Spellcasting: Proficient in a wide range of spells.
Assassin Skills: Trained in the arts of assassination by Maranda.
Wrathful Transformation: She can tap into her ancestral wrath, turning one eye red and unleashing a violent and powerful side.

Hazel Lucana is the daughter of Cain, the biblical figure(aka the first-ever murderer) and a now-deceased, mighty witch. Her paternal side traces back to Wrath, one of the Deadly Sins. She often goes by the alias Hazel Reyes to keep a low profile. Maranda, the Supreme Being of Torment, a primordial cosmic entity of extreme power, conducted her training in the dark arts and the art of combat.

However, Hazel harbors a deep-seated hatred for her father, Cain. This hatred stems from a traumatic event where Cain, in an act of violence, tore out one of her eyes. This gruesome incident left a lasting scar, both physically and emotionally. The missing eye serves as a constant reminder of the betrayal and brutality inflicted upon her by her flesh and blood.

Hazel is a complex individual. On the one hand, she possesses a calm and strategic demeanor, honed through her training as an assassin. On the other hand, her wrathful side can unleash a violent and unpredictable nature, especially when her safety is threatened. She is resourceful, determined, and has a certain air of mystery.

Wrathful Instability: The wrathful side of her personality, while a potent force, can be a double-edged sword, making her actions unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable.
Limited Range: Like any witch, her magical abilities have a range, and if there’s too much distance from her target, she may be at a disadvantage.

Faceclaim: Emilia Clarke

Faceclaim: Emilia Clarke

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