x. people you adore

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Gojo Saturo leaned on the sofa, his legs spread apart, his blindfold wrapped tightly around his eyes as he watched his best friend do her work

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Gojo Saturo leaned on the sofa, his legs spread apart, his blindfold wrapped tightly around his eyes as he watched his best friend do her work. Her movements were immaculate and he would have been fascinated if he hadn't seen it earlier.

“You must be a good teacher.”

“Huh?” His brows arched.

“I meant, with Mayumi,” She grinned at him, “You must have trained her well considering how she got asked out.”

“Oh.” That was all he could muster. It was supposed to be good. Right? That was what they intended to do. For Mayumi chan to get comfortable around men. Maybe he had acidity or something. That could be the only reasonable explanation in his mind for the burning pain in his chest.

“Are you not going to ask me who the lucky guy is, Satoru?”

Damn him. “Of course. Who is he?”

“Okkotsu Yuta.”

Now, that shocked him. Okkotsu Yuta? Okkotsu Yuta? Impossible. Gojo Saturo grumbled. Wasn't he mourning Rika chan? What business had he asking Mayumi chan out? And why would she even agree to go out with him?

“That's good,” He cleared his throat, looking away, “Okkotsu is a nice kid.”



“You look constipated,” A laugh left her mouth and he couldn't resist rolling his eyes. “Are you bothered by it?”

“I look handsome as always,” He scoffs, standing up, “I have to check on the first years. See you later.”

And without waiting for a reply, he walked out of her office, making his way to the training ground where the first years were training. Kugisaki was sparring with Itadori while Fushiguro was sitting on the bleachers, probably waiting for his own chance.

“Fushiguro,” He waved at his student.

“Gojo sensei,” The boy nodded his head in acknowledgement before shifting to make some space for him.

“I have a mission for you.” Something really minuscule but it had been ages since he had sent the boy for a mission and he didn't want his skills to go off rusty. Fushiguro was a skilled boy and it would be a cold day in hell before he let the world waste his skills. “Take Kugisaki with you.”

“Hm. Alright,” He nodded, getting up before turning again, “Sensei?”


“Can you please tighten the security around my sister?”

Satoru paused. So he really loved her a lot. It had been ages since he had experienced someone loving the other one too much platonically. Last time, it was Suguru, wasn't it? He rubbed his hands together, trying to avoid the memories of him.

“You don't have anything to worry about, Fushiguro.”

Later when night came, he couldn't stop thinking about going to Mayumi chan’s apartment

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Later when night came, he couldn't stop thinking about going to Mayumi chan’s apartment. The sane part of him knew that he shouldn't. That he was only complicating things between the two of them. And yet. It had been ages since he had slept as soundly as he did when she was wrapped around his arms. Maybe, maybe he should only go because he needed to make sure that she was safe. Good justification enough. Even though he of all people did know that that was not the reason he wanted to see her.

“Hirano san?” He found himself asking the elderly housekeeper that had been in his household since his childhood, “do you think girls like perfume?”

”Gojo sama?” Her dim eyes brightened, “are you courting a girl?”

Courting a girl? Mayumi chan wasn't his to court.

“Of course not,” He laughed, putting some perfume on him. The truth was, he never used perfumes or any deodorants. He found his natural scent good enough. But ever since he slept with her, he couldn't help but be self conscious about it. The last thing he wanted was for her to think that he smelled badly.

The things you do for the people you adore. Gojo Satoru pouted.

a/n : 800 views omg? you guys are insane i love you all omg

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