Flightless Bird

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You just finished your shift at The Hard Deck and your phone rings as you're unlocking your husband's light blue Ford Bronco. Rushing to set your bag down and dig for your cell phone, you almost miss the call catching it on the very last ring. The voice on the other end of the line confirms who they're speaking to before introducing themselves.

When you hear the word hospital, your heart drops into your stomach. You knew Rooster was going on a mission today, he assured you that it was low intensity and he was more than confident everything would be fine. Tears filled your eyes as his condition was calmly explained to you.

He was in surgery to repair a major artery in his leg. Turns out a missile got his jet luckily he ejected just in time, but a piece of shrapnel got him on the way out. You struggle to keep yourself together and get through the phone call.

"Mrs.Bradshaw, I wish I could tell you it was something small. It's quite bad, but he has a very high chance of surviving." The woman's voice was soft and reassuring.

You sniffle and let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. It's just, that's what he told me this morning when he left. Um, anyway, I'll be there soon. Thank you for calling!"

You set your phone down and with a shaking hand start to put the key in the ignition. When you drop the keys you silently curse to yourself and sit back for a moment. Taking in several deep breaths, you manage to collect yourself and get the car started.

You didn't grow up with religious parents so you didn't spend much time praying except now. The entire drive was spent holding back tears and begging whatever higher power was listening to do just this one favor for you. Driving to the hospital was the easy part but making yourself get out of the car and walk into the building felt impossible.

When you walk in you immediately spot Maverick. He stands up to meet you and the panic finally starts to set in. Tears stream down your face and your breathing quickens suddenly unable to form words.

The older pilot pulls you into a hug attempting to calm you. "He's going to be fine, you know he's too stubborn to give up now."

You manage to catch your breath enough to speak. "I appreciate the sentiment Mav, but I don't need the empty promises." You were thinking worse words than that but couldn't bring yourself to say them at the moment.

"You're right. Let's go to the waiting room." He showed you the way to the room full of seats and got you settled in.

Mav did what he could to take care of you and keep you calm. At one point you were completely zoned out staring at the old and worn out carpet under your feet. Your leg was subconsciously bouncing with anxiousness, you didn't snap out of your trance until you heard your fairly new last name get called out. The nurse with a clipboard in her hands motioned you to come out into the hallway. You wasted no time and Mav followed close behind.

"Your husband is in recovery. The surgery went just fine, but he's going to need to do physical therapy for his leg. I'm afraid he won't be able to fly anymore." The nurse led you back into recovery to be with him until they could get him a room.

The sight of your unconscious husband bandaged up broke your heart but he's alive. Your prayers were heard. At this point Mav had gone home and you stayed by his side watching over him like a hawk, any movement or groan he made had your full attention. It seemed like forever until they got him into a room.

He was finally starting to wake up when they locked the hospital bed into place. His words were jumbled as he started to frantically look around. "My, my wife. Call-" Rooster groaned and let his head fall back into the pillow.

"I'm here Roost, right here." You stood at the foot of his bed out of the way of the nurses but in his view.

Once he saw you he let himself relax and fall asleep again. The nurse assigned to take care of him pulls you aside and goes over his medications and what needs to happen to speed up the healing process. Finally you feel like you can breathe again.

That night, you fell asleep in an awkward position in the chair next to his bed and no matter how you moved in your sleep your hand stayed on his. The sound of the bed creaking and fabric rustling woke you, Mav was right he is too stubborn. Bradley was trying to get out of bed, luckily he didn't want to wake you so he hadn't made much progress yet.

"Honey, what are you doing?" You jump up out of the chair and meet him on the other side of the bed to keep him from falling.

Rooster sighed and looked up at you like a puppy. "I just wanted to get out of bed."

You sit on the bed next to him and hold his hand. "I don't even think you're supposed to be sitting up like this right now." You softly chuckle at his eagerness.

He turns to you and kisses your forehead. "I'm so sorry baby."

"Sorry for what? You did what you were supposed to." You watched him try to decide what emotion he should be feeling.

"You're stuck taking care of me now." He twinged when he attempted to move the injured leg.

"I married you, remember? I read the terms and conditions in full detail." A soft smile sends a wave of comfort over him. "I'm just so happy I get to be here with you right now and not planning a funeral."

You both silently laugh at the comment. "So please, for me, do what you need to do to get better. I'd love to get you home as soon as possible too."

"Since you asked so nicely." He smirked and kissed the back of your hand.

Eventually, Rooster got sent home and did everything he was supposed to do. You and Mav already had a talk with him about how his condition prohibits him from flying again. He didn't take it well at first. After giving him a day or two to calm down he came to you with a serious look on his face.

He looked like a scared little kid, your first response was to hold your arms open for him. He quickly accepted and held you close. "I think I'm going to take Mav up on that offer, if I can't fly them I at least want to work on them."

You smile softly down at him and play with his hair. "I told you that was a good idea. Think about all that will open up for you in this position. We could finally start a family."

He lifts his head up excitedly. "You mean it?" When the conversation came up before your marriage you were on the fence about having kids just because you knew what Rooster went through.

"I don't want you to give up what you love, but it's hard enough as is for me to keep myself together worrying about what's going to happen to you when you leave every day. I can't even imagine having a kid." You both stare at each other as the words echo in your heads.

"Yes baby, I mean it." By the time you finish your sentence Rooster has pulled you into a deep passionate kiss. 

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