⭒𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵♡

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Jealous Girl - Lukas Ruth

Prompt - Mia is back in town, Charlotte invites her out to the bar from the night before, but Sara is being flirty again. Charlotte is naturally jealous.

Charlotte arrived at the bar as she received a text from Mia, a big goofy smile painted on her face as she read it.

'I'm here Sweetheart, same table as last time.'

The table that Charlotte was brave enough to take her wedding ring off and leave her marriage in the past. She made sure she looked nice before heading into the building, and there she was. The woman she had fell for, despite trying to hate her so much. She hadn't seen Mia in over a month, but even that was long enough.

As Charlotte sat down, Mia flashed her a smile.

"I've missed you, Sweetheart." She stated, taking Charlottes hand in hers just as she did that night they spent together. Charlotte found such comfort in them holding hands, it was nice to have a connection with someone after the past few years of an unloving marriage.

It was short lived though as Mia pulled her hand away and rested them on the table. Charlotte opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Sara, the same server from before who was flirting with Mia. Charlotte knew what was about to happen, and she definetely wasn't happy about it.

"Why hello there." Sara shot daring eyes at Mia, ignoring Charlottes presence. "What can I get for you today?" She said, a flirty tone in her voice.

Charlotte glared daggers at her, her mind completely filled with jealousy. What was going on with her? She was never this jealous over things like this with her husband, it's like she was a teenager again.

"Gin and tonic for me, Char?" Mia turned her attention to Charlotte who was so caught up in her own jealousy she didn't even realise she was being spoken to. "Sweetheart, what would you like to drink?" Mia tapped Charlotte out of her trance. Sara looked taken aback by the nickname, but still persisted.

"Oh uh, gin and tonic." Charlotte responded bluntly, not taking her stabbing eyesight off of the server, who nodded, looked Mia up and down, then left.

"What was that Char?" Mia teased, holding back a slight laughter.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Charlotte chirped, trying to act oblivious. She knew what Mia meant.

"Char, you don't need to be so possessive of me, i'm all yours." Mia reassured with a grin, taking Charlottes hands in hers again. Those words went right to Charlotte as her eyes widened and her cheeks grew a tint of red.

She struggled to find the words to express the comfort she found in Mias statement. It was inviting, reassuring, sweet, all things she has craved for so many years.

"Here are your drinks." Sara drew eyes at Mia again, shaping her up and down before she continued. "Let me know if you need anything else Sweetheart."

'Oh hell no.' Charlotte thought before spontaneously acting. She glared at Sara before tilting Mia's head towards her and kissing her. As she pulled away, she glared back at Sara before she got the hint and walked away again.

Charlottes eyes widened as she realised what she had just done. That was their first kiss, and Charlotte done it out if jealousy, she was so upset over someone flirting with Mia that she kissed her?

Mia just grinned at Charlotte, a rosey tint on her cheeks. She took a sip of her drink preparing to speak.

"I told you Char, I'm all yours, although I highly appreciate the kiss." Mia raised her eyebrows as she spoke, making eye contact with Charlotte.

"I know... I don't know what got into me, I've never really been the jealous type." Charlotte seemed embarassed, did she really just do that? Did she really just kiss Mia because she was JEALOUS?

"It's okay, I like jealous girls." Mia added with a wink, taking another sip of her drink. Charlotte used to hate that she couldn't help but be attracted to Mia, but now she loved it. She adored Mia, and that was clear by her new found jealousy surrounding her. She was finally happy, finally loved.

711 words

A/N - Unsure if I'm a fan of this or not, please let me know some suggestions and I'll upload more soon. :)

This also wasn't proof read so sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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