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ZARIA AUCLAIR wielded the magic of chaos with the very fabric of the universe at her finger tips

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ZARIA AUCLAIR wielded the magic of chaos with the very fabric of the universe at her finger tips.

NEVAEH SANTO-REYES controlled the figures of darkness that played tricks on your eyes, shadows that danced in the corners and followed your person.

HEAVEN SANTO-REYES conversated with ghosts and the souls of the damned, ironic considering majority of the people she was cursed to exchange words with never saw the gates of her namesake.

NIA PESCI-AJELLO manipulated the every tingle of electricity in the air, in the water, in one's body, gifted to bend and control it at her will.

ZEUS CIENFUEGOS harbored abilities that let him appear a burden and proved to be useful when the bullies he survived felt they were suffocating every time they dunked Zeus' head in the toilet in grade school.

chase sui wonders

HEAVEN ✸ KRISIA ✸ SANTO-REYESchase sui wonders

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mediumship, rank no. 8, andre andersonꨄ︎

 ❝ bitch shut up, your dead granny ain't got no knees. ❞

havana rose liu


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