Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 ~ The Villages

This is the story of two vilages.  Our story begins on a snowy mountain high above the clouds, where no one ever enters, and no one ever leaves.  Well, not exactly.  If you're a Hunter you can leave... and well... oh we'll get to that part later!

In the village of Feagle, there are small huts for houses.  No one gets enough food. People usually die of starvation or natural causes.  Although, Feagle has an amazing group of health assists.  Health assists work their hardest day and night keeping citizens from dying.  As mentioned before, there are Hunters.  Hunters are the only one's who can leave.  As this is a temptation to become a Hunter, there are many reasons not to.  To become a Hunter, you must first be of the male gender.  At the age of fourteen, you go to a training for two years.  Once sixteen, with a group no larger than five citizens, you travel the treacherous journey down to the valley.  The valley is said to be the only place with fertile land. One farmer always comes with a group of Hunters.  They plant many crops to be collected later. It takes five long days and nights to get to the valley. Somehow, the food is received by the government and distributed, although, no one has ever returned from the valley. If someone in your family is a Hunter, food is guaranteed once a week per person.  The more Hunters in your family, the greater the portion is received.  Feagle is struggling to feed its citizens.  They must get more Hunters, or all of Feagle will die off.

Scorpia, which is located on the other side of the valley, is better off.  Scorpia is fairly stong, and they make it off well.  Scorpia has many citizens that choose to be Hunters.  Food isn’t exactly their problem, health is.  In Scorpia, many people become sick, and once one person becomes sick, it spreads and spreads.  Although, Scorpia does have a strong point.  With Hunters, many citizens choose to be lumberjacks.  The houses in Scorpia are built sturdy and with beautiful craftsmanship.  The buildings in Scorpia are not enough to keep the citizens healthy though.  If Scorpia doesn’t get some serious health assists, they will all die off.


So, as you can see reader, if these villages somehow came together, everything would be perfect.  Although, this is not possible for a few reasons.  First of all, the bridge over the valley was broken years ago, when the villages were attacking.  Also, the villages aren’t exactly friends.  Years ago, when the villages were one village, there was a disagreement.  The disagreement was about whether or not to have a ruler in charge, whereas others wanted no ruler, and to be free.  Well, this caused a large argument, and eventually the citizens who wanted to be free moved to the other side of the valley.  Since everyone can do whatever they want, food is plentiful, as people choose to have plenty of food.  Although, people started to care less about being healthy, and the health assists went down.  Although, in Feagle, the ruler made sure there were always plenty of health assists.  Except, the ruler decides how much food is distributed.  Therefore, not one citizen would turn down a little extra food.


Now that the background is over with, let’s get on with the story...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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