𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Jaemin just texted me about wanting to go out with me afterschool, and how can I possibly say no? Without thinking much I immediately accepted it. I've never ever been in a relationship before and this is all new to me, and I like it.

I checked the time constantly throughout my last lesson. Tsk... why is it taking so long? Come on, ring already, bell! DING DONG. Hell yes. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the park for our date. Aahhhh, I can't wait!

I checked the time, 3:59, I am one minute early. Around two or three minutes after, Jaemin arrived. "Jaemin!" I waved. He was searching for me and saw me and quickly ran over.


"Why are you wearing that?"
"Wearing what."
"Revealing clothes."
"It's not."
"I don't care, you should change."
"You don't control me though." Yerin blurted out.
"Maybe I will. From now on." Jaemin said with a serious tone.
"Why? I am a grown up." Yerin said, sounding annoyed.
"Or else I will dump you." Jaemin said seriously.
Yerin immediately shut up. She can't just lose her first love because of this. But why is Jaemin like this? What did she do to him?
"You can't. You will be bullied and lonely without me, okay?" Jaemin spit saliva on Yerin and left Yerin in shock, "this is for talking back." Yerin gasped in disgust and horror and immediately ran to a nearby toilet.

She sat down and cried.

"What did I ever do to you Jaemin? Our relationship started only a day ago..." I rubbed her eyes and went to clean my shirt. I walked out and bumped into Jaemin.
"Watch where you're going. Let's go." Jaemin dragged me to a nearby bingsu shop.
"I love bingsu." I said, immediately becoming happy.
"That's why I am bringing you here." Jaemin rolled his eyes and laughed.
"How did you know though?" I asked.
"I have my ways." Jaemin said. I nodded, confused.


"Thank you for today." I smiled and Jaemin smiled back.
"I'll take my leave now, bye." Jaemin waved and left.
No apology. I thought he would apologise before leaving. I clearly cried and was upset and he treated it like anything? Or maybe this is normal in relationships, right? Whatever.

I turned around to leave but heard someone yell my name. "Yerin!" I turned around and it was Jake.

"Hi Yerin!" Jake smiled.
"Hi Jake! What are you doing here?"
"Just hanging out with my girlfriend."
I don't know why, but my heart dropped. Girlfriend?

Safe with me | ENHYPEN JAKE FFWhere stories live. Discover now