My parents are too rich, now I know why.

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Hi I'm Hazel from LA, and my story is a whirlwind of emotions.

Let's start with this, I was born as the 3rd and youngest child of 2 billionaires. Not just one, but two, billionaires. My mom owns a cosmetics and hair product brand: "Royal Glam". Her name is Evelyn Fletcher=. My dad, Felix Fletcher, is a wealthy business man earning millions per month. My elder brother Nino, and my elder sister Sara are the most popular kids at school, and they run weekly bake sales to donate money to those in the military.

And, what do I do? I paved my own path, not as a baker, or a business owner, or even a cosmetic brand-owner. I am a designer. I collect orders online from people in school, and I bring their classy outfits back to them at school. My parents favored me above my siblings and spoiled me rotten consistently.

My life was perfect. Until one day, in 8th grade when my chemistry teacher Ms. Jennifer assigned me and my best friend Emma to work together on our group project.

I remember meeting Emma on my first day of 8th grade. She had just moved from London to LA for her dad's job promotion. On the 3rd week of school, Emma's dad, Mr. Carter Picasso, went missing, and she was devastated. I supported her through it, and it brought us even closer, to where we are today.

 Her bright mind and my supplies and general knowledge always lead to the best projects. That's why our chemistry teacher decided to pair us together. We wanted to make an atom diagram, and needed time to work on it so I invited her over that afternoon to start the project. Before getting into the building part, we had to start planning it out. I reached for my bag but I was out of paper, and I didn't want to sound like a goody two shoes, so I quietly went into my dad's study with Emma to go get some paper. 

I knew the study was off limits to me and my siblings, but what's the worst that could happen, all we needed was some printer paper. We walked inside the office, a mysterious aroma surrounding me, as I clenched my fists with fear at the thought of my dad finding us. I'd be grounded for months.. no matter how much i bawled my eyes out. But, Emma was waiting and I was not going to be a wuss. I spotted the printer paper on a shelf high up. Since I was the taller one, I jumped to get it and caught it in my hands. 

What I hadn't noticed though, was another file falling down, it's contents spilling everywhere. "What's this?" Emma had already picked the pages up before I noticed what was happening. "Felix Fletcher... financial fraud reports? Bribery paid to police, accepted? Bribery paid to newspapers, accepted? People secretively jailed because of Fletcher -- Carlos Stone, Ming Potter, Destiny Evergreen, Josi Bieber, Selena Grande, Mina Rupal, Ariana Gomez, Ca-". She stopped and the letter fell to the ground. 

"Carter ... Picasso?!"

 Her face turned red and she started breathing heavy, "Hazel.. what is this?" 

My head started spinning and my eyes were dripping tears, it was a lot for me to take in. "Please, don't tell anyone, at least not right now... let me figure this mess out first."

Emma didn't reply and ran out of the house, and my endless calls drowned out in my own panic.

Follow for part 2 of my story ; )

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