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Third person pov:-

"After your graduation ceremony, you're getting married"

Omega's whole world crashed down. He can't believe his ears.

"W-what?" Jimin shuttered.

"Yes jimin, after your graduation. You're getting married" melliva said, she sounded so serious.

"Mom?, Are you kidding me?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

"No jimin. I'm serious, you are getting married after your graduation" melliva said looking straight in his eyes.

"No, it's n-not true. How c-can you decide like that without my knowledge mom?" Jimin asked.

"Because I'm your mother. I know what is right and what is wrong for you" melliva answered.

"No mom, you can't. You already know my dreams, I'm still running for my goal. If I get married this soon then my whole aim would be ruined" jimin argued.

"You can also achieve your dream with your husband, after marriage also you can persuade your goal, no one will stop you." Melliva said.

"No mom, it not the matter, but I'm still not ready for the marriage
and beside, I lov-----

"Shut there!, It's not only my wish, it's your father's wish too. Listen carefully"

20years back.

"And the best ceo's of the year, award goes to...any guess?" MC asked in the mic.

"Yes, the only one Mr. Park Joseph."  MC announced loudly, the whole enormous hall was filled with loud round of applause.

"  MC announced loudly, the whole enormous hall was filled with loud round of applause

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Alpha Park Joseph
New ceo of Park IT, and each and every business.
He took over the company, when he was 24years.
Wife - Park melliva. (Currently 9 months pregnant with her second child)
Daughter - Park leora.

Joseph who was sitting down in the vip seats along with the great businessman in the world, smiled brightly before getting up, some of the businessman hugged him and congratulated him genuinely in the way to stage, he slowly turned towards his right side and saw his dearest best friend looking at him with proud smile. They hugged eachother tightly like their life depend on it.

"Go Jose, get your award" his best friend said after pulling out. Joseph ran towards the grand stage and climbed the stairs.
The MC bowed at him 90°, he just nodded in return.

"Congratulations, Mr. Park Joseph." The President of the Korea handed the award to him with pleasant smile, Joseph bowed lightly and held the award in his arms. Finally his dream came true.

"Mr. Park Joseph, you got the best ceo of the year award and you are the first young businessmen who got this award at this young age, so how do you feel sir" MC asked.

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