Chapter 5 - The Comeback

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"You know, I'm starting to think Killer's just taking a very long shit in a motel." Dust spoke with eyes half closed. His hands were shoved in his pocket as he played a small blade inside, pulling it out would attract his enemies: the student council.

"Yeah? Atleast he got fucked 24/7 for a few weeks." The man with the axe joked, chuckling for a moment before glancing at Cross who seemed to be unaffected by their humor.

Cross didn't bat an eye, he was too busy analyzing situations in his head, he hasn't given up especially now that he had a lead. The first thing he'd want to do is to inform the entire council in order to get help, however, he felt as if he's bugged the council way too much now and he might end up getting a violation from continuous meeting raids. A few steps is what only took them to hear something strange outside the building. As they exit for a while, with Nightmare taking the lead, a mysterious figure caught their attention.

"What the hell..." Nightmare mumbled, slowly dragging his other feet to his front.

"What are we looking at?" Horror asks, attempting to spot what they've been staring at by squinting his eyes, or rather, eye.

Cross widened his eyes as he stood in disbelief. His brows furrowed like everyone else, attempting to utter words that couldn't be understood.

Nightmare refused to move. He waited. He had been telling himself that it was the only way to ease his mind after getting abandoned by him. As he scans the person drawing near, he forgot how to breathe, standing as if he has witnessed the big bang himself. He should've been blinded by the diamonds reflecting the light but he was too busy analyzing the situation. "What are you doing here..." Nightmare mumbled, at the same time he felt as if he shouldn't have asked that.

He then slowly felt his fist clenched as his mind ran through various memories despite only being gone for a few. "Where have you been?" He spoke firmly. It was a given that Nightmare swore he would wait for him to get back before his departure but he wasn't really confident to say that things didn't bother him for a while. He was too impatient that he wanted to beg for his appearance everyday.

"Killer, I-" As Cross attempts to lay a hand on him, a sudden spark entered his body, telling him he shouldn't touch him. He was afraid he's gonna make the other feel something different that could lead to aggression. Killer had just come back and he's not risking to see him mad after making a comeback.

A moment of silence inside the group whilst everyone else continued to mumble about his sudden appearance. As much as Killer wanted to initiate a proper conversation, he couldn't help but noticed how shocked his friends were, causing him to think that spitting a word can potentially cause chaos in the building, as if chaos wasn't happening already. "D-do you know?" Nightmare stuttered. "Do you know how long we've been looking for you?!"
He raised his voice. Sure they had talked it out before Killer left them but it was no lie that there was anger present ever since Nightmare found out he couldn't even help. "How could you just show up and didn't even talked to us?!"

"Where have you been? We were dead worried." Cross finally spoke properly, trying to shield Killer from Nightmare's aggression. He was trying his best not to grab on Killer's shoulder as it might surprise him.

The other students kept causing a commotion about Killer's sudden appearance, it wasn't long until his name finally re-appeared on the SMW news. His disappearance was a hit, his sudden appearance was a hit too. Though, he didn't expect this much attention.

Killer stood quiet for a while before suddenly getting the urge to reply to them. "Don't you think it's a little early to be causing a scene?" He spoke with a little sass, placing a hand on a hip as he looked at Nightmare.

Highschool Of Chaos Sequel : 'The Rerun' (ErrorxInk)Where stories live. Discover now