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I sat in my bed, researching about Svetlana, how did she stay so well hidden all these years?

I looked down at my belly, I had really been showing much more then before. You could actually tell I was pregnant now and Tom wasn't even here to see it.

I miss my person.

I rubbed my stomach, putting my head up against the headboard as I thought about Tom. I laughed a little thinking about the nicknames he would give me.

I suddenly felt the tears start to stream down my face. I bit my bottom lip as it quivered. I just wanted him back, id do anything for him back.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, wiping my tears. "Tom, please come back, please come back." I banged my head against the bed frame gently. It was almost like all my prayers were answered.

There was some loud knocking on the door. I don't know why, I don't know how but I just knew.

"Tom?!" I screamed, wiping my tears and running to the door. It was a little difficult but, I made it.

I swung the door open, not having anytime to react I was embraced in a hug. He was absolutely drenched in water. "Oh my god." I hugged him tighter, clinging onto his body. He was freezing.

"I needed you." I sobbed into his chest. "First it was Aliyah and I was grieving and I needed you." I shook my head, I knew it wasn't his fault.

I couldn't do it without him.

"I'm back." Tom held the back of my head. I pulled away from the hug, looking up at him. He smiled a little rubbing my shoulders.

Tom looks down at my stomach, finally realizing how big I had gotten. "Oh?" He laughs a little, tilting his head. "How did you get here?" I asked.

"I ran away, it actually wasn't that hard." Tom replied.

"Why are you drenched then?" I pulled his arm into our room, sitting him down and taking his shirt off.

"I uhm, I went to the lake." Tom hesitated before responding. "What, you wanted to go for a quick swim before you came home?" I went into his closet, getting a hoodie and some sweatpants for him.

"No, Ahem..." He cleared his throat. "I drowned Svetlana, in that lake." Tom flashes me a bright smile.

"Stop." I covered my mouth with my hand, before beginning to cackle loudly. "It's not funny but what do you mean you drowned her." I choke on my laugh.

"I told her I was ready to be with her and then I was like let's go swimming and then when we got in I drowned her and took my keys running away."

"Well, at least you're back." I wiped my nose, sitting on the bed. He changes from his wet clothes into the new ones. "I did it for you Gia." Tom smiles softly.

"Oh yeah what's up with the window?" He randomly pointed out, turning his head. "Oh! Ivan was coming for me, no big deal pfft." I shrugged it off.

"Come here?" Tom got in bed, patting on the spot next to him. I laid down, he pulled me into another tight hug not letting go.

"I love you, lil mama." He smiles, holding onto my hips. "I love you." I grabbed his face, giving him a kiss. My thumbs were stroking his overgrown stubble that was slowly turning into a beard.

"I like it." I smiled, rubbing both his cheeks.

"It's actually showing now." He scratches his chin. "Good, I love dilfs." I giggled, he widened his eyes a bit furrowing his brows.

"Dilf?" Tom said taken back. "What you don't like being a dilf? I think you'd be a great one." I grinned sheepishly. "I mean.." Tom curved his lips.

"You think I could be a milf?" I added on.

"Oh yeah." He started to kiss down my neck, smiling against it. "It tickles stop!" I squirmed, as he licked my neck. That's when it suddenly registered in my head.

"Tom." I pulled away, staring at him blankly. He raised one eyebrow at my sudden change in mood. "Did Svet ever try and fuck you?" I questioned.

He nodded. "But I told her I only fuck Gia."

"Only me?" I ask. "Only you mama." Tom nodded again. "Fuck, I still don't have a nickname for you. Here let's think." I hummed.


"Big daddy?" I turned my face to him, he shook his head. I scribbled out big daddy from the list of nicknames we had.

"Big cock holder." I laughed. "You want to call me big cock holder in public?" His eye twitched a little.

I scratched out the name with my pen. "Okay, how about Richard." I suggested. "The fuck how is that anywhere even close to daddy or Tom?" He mentions.

"It just means dick, that's it." I shrugged. "Why are you only suggesting nicknames that have to do with my dick or me being a daddy?" His eye twitched.

"I don't know you call me lil mama and you have a bit dick that's all." I shrugged, looking to the side.

"Okay! Moving on, how about papai." I said next. "Why are you calling me popeye, are we gonna eat there?" Tom grinned, thinking about their chicken.

"No it means daddy in Portuguese which you would know if you let me teach you the multiple times i've asked!" I raised my voice.

"Okay, my bad anything else?" Tom tapped on the notepad. "Um.. big daddy in Portuguese is paizão."

"I like it!"

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