The Red Leaf

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3rd person - (Your outfit for the day above) 🔝

A young female slept peacefully on her bed as the sunrise slowly approached as the young female tossed and turned. Soft snores could be heard in the room as she was stuck in dream land all twisted up in her blankets. As the alarm clock slowly ticked away as a loud ringing soon was heard as she sighed before tiredly reaching for her phone.

At the young female poor attempt of grabbing her phone made her morning well treacherous she hated mornings with a passion.

The ringing finally stopped as she decided to give up on the day and fall back asleep into the comfort of her bed.

30 minutes have passed as loud banging was soon heard at the front door as you jumped startled and fell to the ground.

The banging continued as she quickly tried to free herself from the cage like trap the bedsheet have put her in.

She grunted as she finally got free and grabbed the closet item of clothing near her running down the stairs to the front door.

You could hear faint voices outside the house as she struggled getting her pants on as she opened the door knowing just who it was.

(Y/n): Kody? Is that you?

Kody: Seems i cant leave you alone can i.. seeing as how your dressed..

You could sense his eyes looking you up and down and could tell he was smirking at you as he walked past you inside as you sighed heavily and followed him. His footsteps boomed with each step as you followed him to your bedroom.

He walked to your dresser opening it and studied each item of clothing carefully before pulling out a outfit for you. He placed it on the bed grabbing your hand carefully as you flinched as he let go apologizing.

Kody: Thank you for giving me a second chance love.. even after all i did to you i don't deserve you..

(Y/n): We are married not dating its not easy to end our relationship.. plus i know what we had was real at one point.. everyone deserves a second chance.

Kody put his hands on your waist pulling you closer with a smile pulling down your blindfold and carefully putting his hand on your chin. His eyes carefully observed your left eye with regret as he put your forehead to his.

Kody: Im so sorry

He looked up to meet her eyes staring into her left eye which was completely blind before pulling out a gift out of his pocket. He reamber everything you like and reamber everything that happened on the day he proposed.

He slowly opened the box revealing a beautiful chocker it was gold with a beautiful red leaf it represents the day he proposed.


A year ago

You and kody where running in the park laughing while he chased you as you giggled as he soon caught up to you. He picked you up and started spinning with you in his arms as he tripped as you both fell into a pile of leafs.

You landed on top of him sitting on his lap both laughing as he picked you up to stand up as he cleared his throat.

He got on one knee as you turned around and started spinning around as the leafs fell as a single red leaf fell on your hair.

He chuckled deeply as you turned to see him on his knees holding a beautiful small box as you gasped in shock.

Kody: (y/n) you are the most amazing girl ive ever met you are not only beautiful but smart and have a beautiful personality. Your filled with kindness and are a bass ass fighter! You captured my heart almost immediately so will you do me the honor and marry me?

You cried tears of joy as you quickly went in for a passionate kiss as he pulled out a beautiful ring with all the color of the fall leaves with gold.

(Y/n): A million times yes baby!!

He smiled brightly as he carefully grabbed your hand putting the ring on and kissing your knuckles where the ring was.


You looked at kody as he went behind you holding the chocker as he gently put it around your neck as he clipped it together. He looked at your neck and slowly put his lips on your neck as he kissed your neck and bitting it as you moaned. His hands traveled up to your breasts gripping them as he marked his territory biting your delicate skin.

He quickly pulled away as your alarm went off as he looked at the time in horror before quickly grabbing your clothes. You quickly got dressed with the help of your husband as he quickly pulled out a hand made mask.

Kody: I made you this since i know your insecure and wanna hide that your blind in one eye the collage already approved of it.

You carefully take it noticing how high tech it was as you looked at it with amusement and excitement as you slowly put it on.

You both quickly rushed outside to your motorcycles as you got on yours as he got on his as you felt you were being watched. You noticed it long ago but shrugged it off as you start the engine as you both quickly took off down the busy streets.

It was your first day at this college that your husband recently switched to after he begged for a second chance. You made a deal with him that hell have to cut ties with all his side chicks and move colleges to the one you got accepted in.

You speed into the school parking lot as you take a swift turn as the motorcycle leaned as it slowly went back up. As your husband followed behind but more safer driving as you both park in the same parking spot as all eyes were on you.

Your husband was a lady's man all women fell so quickly for him his looks were out of this world he ignored the girls flodding him. He noticed you about to walk away as he grabbed your hand and infront of almost the whole school pulled you close kissing your neck.

He held up both of your fingers showing you both were married as he left kisses from your neck down your shoulder and arm to your hand. His kisses stopped on your ring as he made it clear his was only into you he looked at you with so much love in his eyes.

Unkown to all a pair of eyes staring in pure rage apon seeing the happy couple and pulled out their phone taking a photo. As they quickly opened their messages and sent the photo as their knuckles started turning white from rage.

You felt the feeling of being watched as it made you feel more uneasy as kody grabs your hand leading you into the collage.

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