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"You'll still love me if i'm fat and have stretch marks after I give birth right?" Gia shifts her position.

"I'd love you no matter what." I smiled, she smiled back and took my hand placing it on the lower left part of her stomach.

"I'm getting my insides picked at." She giggles, I felt a sudden wave of calmness come over me. Feeling them move, it reminds you that they're healthy.

I created healthy babies with Gia.

"I missed you so much." I whispered, remembering my times with Svetlana.

"I missed you more, I would lay on you but i'm not aloud to lay on my stomach." Gia huffed annoyed then she sat up, taking her shirt off. "Sorry it was hot."

"Since when do you go braless? Don't you say it's bad for your back?" I laughed, analyzing her. "Yeah but like they've blown up, it hurts." She whined.

"They hurt?" I asked, she laid back down and nodded.

I extended my arms for Gia, she got closer, laying in my arms. "Your nipples look... tender?" I chuckled looking down. "They are." Gia sighed covering them.

"Does this help?" I laughed, massaging them. "No, but you can keep doing it anyways." She shook her head laughing as well.

"I've missed them." I pout, lowering my head. Kissing all around her chest. "I can't believe you got kidnapped that's so silly." Gia plays with my hair, before beginning to cackle loudly,

"You did too!" I cackle back. "Yeah but yours was so random, it was just on a random day." Gia started to laugh louder. "You were kidnapped on a random day too, don't even!" I put my finger in her face.

"So the answer to number 34 is.." She put on a nerd voice putting her finger in my face as she snorted.

"You're not funny." I kept a straight face on. "Oh I am so funny, so so funny." Gia nodded.

"You know what we should do to celebrate that you're back?" She said out of nowhere. "Sex?" I interlocked my hands with hers, grinning.

"No silly! McFlurries!" Gia got up, walking to the closet. "The machine by our house never works you know this!" I shouted from the bed.

She walked out the closet, with her converse and one of my crew necks on. "Yeah but you love me right?" She frowned, before putting a happy smile on.

She was right, I did love her.

I sighed getting up. "Come on." I threw my arm around her shoulder walking out. I grabbed my car keys off the table walking out.

"Oh my goodness i'm so excited!" She squealed running down the halls of the apartment building. "Don't tire yourself out mama!" I shouted.

"I won't baby don't worry." She stopped in her tracks waiting for me. I ran over to her, Gia grabbed my hand holding it. "Carry me and our children." She put her arms out, I crouched down, lifting her up.

"This is so nice of you." Gia rubbed her face against mine. "Only because I love you Gigi." I sighed again.


After a long drive we finally made it.

"Ah shit, drive thru isn't working." I pulled in, reading the sign. I guess the microphone was broken. "I'll just go inside." I reversed out, then parked my car.

"I'll come with you?" Gia suggested. "No, it's okay i've got it." I gave her a peck on the lips, before getting out. I turned my back, locking the car.

I opened the door, it was pretty empty which was good. I didn't feel like waiting awhile. "Two Oreo McFlurries please." I tapped on the counter, getting my wallet out from my pocket.

"Sorry, machines broken." He says, monotoned.

I licked my lips in looking down. "No it's not." I shook my head. "Sir, i'm sorry you're gonna have to go to a different- Show me the machine then." I cut him off.

"I'm not aloud to take non employees to the back, sorry!" He apologizes with a fake look on his face.

"Listen, I have my pregnant wife in the car. If she doesn't get her McFlurries, she will rain hell on me. Which will make me rain hell on you, so either you take me with you to the back, and show me the machine or I will break every one of your fingers to make sure you never work here again, understood?"

"I'll go get your Oreo McFlurries, it's on me." He gulped. "In that case i'll get four." I rubbed the tip of my nose, sitting down.

He nodded quickly, rushing to the back. I sat on the bench, getting my phone out. I called Gia. "Hey are you okay?" I asked. "You've been gone two minutes i'm fine." Gia responded.

"Stay on the phone with me, I don't like this neighborhood." I put the phone up to my ear listening in for anything. "Okay, i'll stay on the line." She complied.

"Your McFlurries." He put them on the counter.

I leaned my head on my shoulder, putting the phone in between my ear and shoulder I walked to the car with my head tilted. "Thanks!" I shouted before getting out.

I hung up the phone, opening the car door.

"You got four?" Gia said, shocked. "Yeah, they had a discount thing." I laughed, putting them in the middle. "Oh my goodness it's McFlurry city in here!" Her jaw was dropped, as she looked at them.

"I'm coming around!" She squealed, getting out and coming on my side.

I put the seat all the way back, Gia got in sitting on my lap. Her legs on both sides of my thighs. "Thank you paizão wow!" She grabbed one of the McFlurries.

God was she cute when she was excited.

Making my heart melt for real. "I can get you some cookies too?" I suggested, she shook her head slowly. "I'm okay, thank you." Gia smiled.

I watched her eat, seeing how her facial expressions would change. It was truly entertaining.

"What are you waiting for weirdo, eat!" She hands me a McFlurry. "All yours Gigi." I handed it back.

"Oh my no, I don't wanna gain more then forty pounds this pregnancy and i'm already nearing there." Gia pushed it back.

"You're pregnant, you have an exception. Calories don't count." I reassured her. "Stop it, I don't wanna let myself go." She whined, resting her forehead on mine.

"I've said it before, i'll say it again. You'll beautiful no matter what."

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