Yo yo yo! It's your undeniably depressed girlie, coming to you with a message.
FLORAND IS OFFICIALLY IN PROCESS! I am so excited to show you guys what I've been working on. I estimate the first three chapters will be released around Valentines day. I've been writing Florand for about a year now, and I have been researching a lot recently on how to really bring my story to you! Before I go, I would like to give you guys an official prologue, please tell me what y'all think in the comments!!
A young male fairy sat at a table writing in a notebook, with a fountain pen in hand. He dipped the pen in dark brown ink, and wrote down words in another language. The fairy read, pointing at the page. The words shimmered, sending a shiver down his spine. That's how he knew it was ready. Almost ready, anyways.
The fairy took a wand from his belt, and placed a small hedgehog on the table. The hedgehog scrambled back in fear.
"Perfect," The fairy grinned evilly. He set up lavender candles around the creature, and stepped back. He turned the lights down, and took a breath, steadying himself.
"Shaharr, mierr unalistt ie yehari," The words seemed to crash towards the creature, the force from the wand making the fairy stumble backwards. He looked up, and the hedgehog was shaking. Its pupils were golden, its quills were white, and it looked like..
Raw, white fear.
The fairy quickly jotted something down in his notebook, taking note of what had just happened, when he heard a voice.
"Jakob? Jakob, it's late, you need to rest," A beautiful woman came out of the shadows to greet Jakob.
"I know I know, just a few more tests," He tried to hide the hedgehog from view of the woman, but she saw anyway.
"Jakob! Why are you torturing these poor creatures?" The woman rushed over to the hedgehog, patting its quills down. The hedgehog somehow seemed safer, in the hands of the fairy.
"You must stop this madness," She said, breath shaking as she stared at the pages of writing on the floor. Jakob looked towards the hedgehog.
"Never. I will go the lengths of the earth!" He shouted. "I will rattle the grounds and tear it all apart until I get what I want!" The woman slowly walked towards the enraged Jakob.
"Be careful tomorrow," She said, planting a kiss on his forehead.