Chap-5 (Kwan's wrath)

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Jisoo's mom started panicking, she quickly got inside the car trembling and started driving home.

*on the other side*

Jisoo's phone was disposed and she was tied up and was taken off in their private jet.

Jimin: woah she's beautiful..

Jk: yeah but what's the use she will be dead soon.

Jimin: poor soul.

Tae: stop discussing and inform the base that we have captured her and coming back.

Jk: okay

Jimin: umm....tae.....

Tae: what?

Jimin: why don't you just kill her, what's the point of torturing her??

Tae: I'm not interested in doing so, my work is just killing the victims but I can't go against grand dad.

Jimin: maybe you could tell him that you accidentally shot her and she died in the midway.

Tae: I don't lie. Also kwan chuyang has to see his daughter suffer, I will kill her infront of his eyes and he will have no choice but to watch her die.

*Jimin was silent*

*on the other hand*

Jisoo's mom reached the house still processing the situation. The twin were scared and they were tightly holding their mother.

Upon entering the house She saw kwan chuyang sitting on the couch. Seeing him fear lured over her body and her heartbeat started raising.

Kwan: darling where did you go without taking my permission! I told you to not go out.

Mom: I....I....

*her words were struck in her throat*

Kwan: but no worries I forgive you this time. Because I know you wouldn't deny the kids request. Anyways did you enjoy at the beach??.

*he asked the twins but they were silent and ran to their dad and hugged him tight*

Kwan: what happened min jun, min jae?? why are you three not speaking anything ?? Also where is jisoo??

*hearing her name his wife's eyes were filled with tears*

Kwan: darling answer me.....

*She was silent*

Kwan: I'm sure my princess is playing with me. She might be standing outside.

*Saying that he went towards the entrance and peeped out*

Kwan: come on princess enough of these tricks. You know your dad can't live without Seeing you. Come out....

*there was silence in the room and suddenly a guard came running in*

Guard: mr.kwan princess jisoo is kidnapped!!

*hearing that kwan's eyes opened wide in disbelief*

Kwan: what!!! What are you saying?? Stop joking.....darling! look what he's saying I'm sure She's hiding inside the car. Let me get her.

*saying that he was a out to go but his wife held his hand*

Mom: no....kwan......he's telling

Kwan: what do you mean??

Mom: assistant take the kids inside.

*the kids left*

*She explained the incident to kwan chuyang and hearing that he collapsed to the ground*

Kwan: no no no this can't happen....... I won't beleive you...... Princess come out!!! Jisoo I said come out in you don't then dad don't talk to you!!!.

*saying that he collapsed to the floor*

*His wife went near him and kneeled down and wrapped her arms around her*

Mom: SHE IS KIDNAPPED KWAN!!! She is!!! Our daughter is kidnapped!!!

*saying that she started crying on his shoulder*

Kwan: NO WAY!!!! How can she get kidnapped!!! No one knows about her then how!!!!!

*he started crying*

Kwan: my princess....!!!!!!ahhhh!!!!!

Mom: control yourself darling I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken her out...

*before she could say any further kwan pushed her aside and chocked her neck holding it tight*

Mom: ahhh....Ahhh......darl....


Mom: AHH.....

*he pressed her neck more hard and she was struggling to breath*

Kwan: I told you not to step out but you didn't listen to me and look at the consequence, my princess is KIDNAPPED!!!!!

*saying that he released his hand and slapped her cheeks making her fall to the ground*

Guard: what do we do now mr.kwan??

Kwan: you all are useless, you let my princess get kidnapped!!

*saying that he pulls out his gun and shoots the guard with 10 bullets piercing through his body and he fell dead to the ground*


*6 hrs later*

Jisoo got her conscious back and she tried to open her eyes but her vison was blurred due to melatonin. she could here two men talking.

Jisoo's pov: where am I?? And where are they taking me??

Jk: ahh! I'm tired of this journey why is this taking so long??

Jimin: we are flying towards the pacific ocean so there is some turbulence in the flight but don't worry we will reach there in two more hrs.

Jk: Two Hours!!! Then I'm taking a nap wake me up when we reach.

Jimin: fine.

Jisoo's pov: Pacific Ocean!!! But why?? Why did they kidnap me?? Who could they be??

Tae: Jimin did you inform to the base that we are reaching soon?

Jimin: yes boss I did.

Jisoo's pov: his voice sounds familiar.....

Tae: trust me, you wouldn't want to know who we are.!!..

Jisoo's pov: yes he's the one who made me unconscious... But who is he??

*she tried to free her hands but they were handcuffed*

Jisoo's pov: oh no my hands!! I should not move or else they will know that I'm back to my senses. I have to stay calm and try to find a way to escape. I'm sure there's a big misunderstanding or else why would they kidnap a Business man's daughter??

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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