Science fiction. The Queen

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Science fiction. The Queen

"Late, very late indeed!

Anyway when you go there, convey my best wishes to her. Tell her about the bridge and everything else you saw. But be careful that you do not present a berated description of whatever happened today, it should be in absolute harmony with the facts and situational desperation that led to it, and we were caught in it somehow. And with our involvement, the bridge was bound to get involved and meet the fate it met today.

The bridge of all realms and the bridge that existed since the creation of time.

But there is still hope and we shall not let it forsake us as long as we are alive.

Tell her these exact words!

Although it is most likely that she will be able to read your mind and there will be no need for you to say all this. In case, when you enter that realm and the Queen's mind does not sense these realities, then you will have to explain to her the exact incident. "

These were the words of my master, before I pledged myself to be the carrier of my master's message to the Queen. The Queen of the bridges. Without the bridge the realms will not exist and without the Queen the bridges will not exist. And I am going there, where time does not exist and light rarely reaches. Because that is where the Queen lives.

Now you might be wondering why did the master choose me and not any of his other pupils? To that there is no straightforward answer, but there is an explanation that would give you an idea about what made him choose me for this mission.

You see, in our world, there are many star systems, and a new star system appears whenever a child is born. And they say when I was born 3 star systems appeared together, instead of just one. And based on the predictions made by our forefathers, when that happens, the person will be destined to interact with the Queen of the bridges, whom no mortal has met so far. And she will bless this person with endless bounties.

And I happen to be this person. Now, whether or not I will succeed in meeting the Queen remains to be seen. But as far as the 3 star systems are concerned, well, that is true and they do exist. And I will have to travel through them and find my way into the realm where the Queen of the bridges lives.

According to our legend, she will be waiting for me and her senses will guide me through the lower realms that lead to her realm. And this part of the narrative scares me, because it is logically handicapped and I somehow do not want to give in to this rhetoric of my clan. But I have no choice, because once you have been accepted as an apprentice by the great master who possesses limitless knowledge about the Universe, his orders cannot be declined by pupils like me, because they cannot be rejected by any member of our clan either.

And he has ordered me to meet the Queen and tell her everything about the bridge. Everyone has been excited about my prospect of meeting the Queen, but so far not even a single person has explained to me how I am supposed to meet her. They expect me to rely only on my senses that will be directed by her will. And it is beginning to worry me a lot.

It is like expecting a bat to hunt its prey during the day when the Sun is shining brightly. And with no predefined destination that I will be travelling towards, I have every reason to feel like this bat and imagine my fate. Where I already see myself meandering through the endless universe. Where the Queen of the bridges can be anywhere. And I am supposed to meet her somewhere.

I have tried to ruminate on it for many days now, and finally I have decided to be this bat who is expected to hunt its prey in the daylight.

Today I will be spending my entire day with my master; and this will be my last session with him, where he will offer me a few words of wisdom, and I am hoping this wisdom will include telling me something about how and where to find the realm where the Queen of the bridges resides.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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