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I sat in bed, Tom was taking a shower.

I was full and satisfied, he's so sweet for getting me those McFlurries. I felt as if our relationship was growing. We went from arguing everyday to how we are now. I was really happy.

I saw some of the steam seep in from his shower, the bathroom door was open. It was getting super hot in here.

I took Tom's crew neck off, throwing it on the chair beside me. I stripped free of the rest of my clothes getting comfy for bed. I heard the shower shut off.

I was so excited it was our first night together since everything that's happened. I just wanted to hug into him, I felt like I just couldn't get enough of him.

"We're teaching tomorrow right?" He asked, walking into the room. I sat up a little, seeing him. Oh my god.

"Yeah, right." I nodded, standing up on the bed. "What's wrong?" He tilted his head a little, his body it was... glistening, due to the steam.

"Nothing." I shrugged, walking closer to the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna go get some shorts i'll be back." Tom laughed, beginning to walk away.

"No." I yanked his arm back, pulling him into a kiss.

Tom placed his hands on my waist kissing back. I was so deprived, I needed him. "Please." I whined, tugging on his hair. He was being softer then usual.

"Lay down on the bed." He breathed out, no pinning?

I fell back, bouncing a little. Tom climbed up to my level on all fours, getting closer. He twirled my nipples a little. "No i'm sensitive." I shook my head.

"I forgot, my bad." He trails his tongue down, outlining them instead. "How many kids do you want Gia?" He huffed, kissing up my body.

Im good with just the two I have right now... what are you on.?

"Im good with the girls I have right now." I laughed, before it quickly turned into a gasp. Feeling him suck on the spot on my neck I enjoyed.

"I want another set of twins, you wouldn't want any?" He spreads my legs open, getting closer. I just want him to give me his dick, not more twins.

What is he even saying right now.

"Can we talk about this after, like I orgasm." I started to stroke him up and down with my thumb and index finger. "How about our wedding?" Tom rubbed his tip up and down my slit.

"Just go in." I bit my bottom lip looking down, but I couldn't even see what was going on. I was pregnant, I couldn't see anything past my belly button.

Tom pressed down on my clit with his tip, massaging it. "Oh!" I moaned, feeling the pressure.

I saw him lick both his thumbs. Moving them down to my lips he spread them apart, leaning down. Tom rubbed my inner lips with just his thumbs, going up and down. "Mm." I hummed.

He moved his mouth down, spitting on my clit.

Tom moves one of his thumbs down, spreading the saliva down to my entrance. "Please." I bit my bottom lip. I felt him remove his thumb.

He licked it, then began to stroke his tip with that same thumb. I opened my legs wider, spreading them out fully. Just waiting for him, is all.

Tom grazed his cock down, one more time before beginning to inch up in me. Why was he so slow and gentle. "Uh!" I moaned loudly, feeling him enter.

He holds my hips, moving me up and down on his length... slowly? "Tom go faster." I complained. "I don't want to hurt you." He shook his head.

I been adjusted to this, what are we on today? Drugs?

"I'm not gonna get hurt, just go!" I shouted, feeling hot and bothered. "I don't wanna cause any stress to the babies it could be-" I cut him off, beginning to move myself up and down.

"Gia, no what if something happens." Tom groans. "The only thing that's gonna happen is me having an orgasm." I laugh, pulling on his arm. Flipping us over.

"Fuck." Tom whispers, I leaned my body backwards. My legs being on both sides of his thighs, I started to move back and forth, at a quick pace.

"Ah!" I gripped on the bedsheets.

Can he do something? Like... slap me? Choke me, yank me, pull my hair. Literally anything!?

"Tom be normal." I stopped moving, he opened his eyes looking at me confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Do something!" I whined.

"Can we just-" I slapped him across the face. "Do it to me now!" I chuckled, seeing him flabbergasted

"You want that? You want me to hurt you?" Tom laughs, scratching his beard. "I don't care what you do, just something." I replied.

"How's this?" He sent a hard smack to my ass, I jolted forward a little, shifting on his dick. "Oh!" I moaned.

"I've told you many times to not let me have power over you Gia, but you like that, don't you?" He flipped me back around harshly, I didn't respond, just waiting for him to do what he usually does.

"Answer me." He placed pressure on my neck, lifting my jaw up. I breathed shakily, holding his wrist. I still didn't respond, he sent a hard thrust, pressing harder.

"Yes daddy oh!" I shouted, out of instinct.

"Fuck Gia!" He growled angrily. "What did I do?" I was able to weaken his grip on my neck a little.

"I'm hurting you, which means in some type of way i'm also hurting the babies." He groans pulling on my hair. "Ah!" I squeaked.

"Thank you." I smiled, my voice being higher then usual. He switched from the soft and gentle pace he was using to much harder and spaced out thrusts.

Tom started to buck his hips into me, my head kept hitting the headboard. "Ah-Oh!" I held the back of my head. The bed started to shake from underneath us.

"Tom you're gonna break it." I put my palm on the mattress, feeling us start to sink lower.

"You asked for it." He chuckles, continuing. He's not wrong, I did ask for it. The way his demeanor completely changed within just a couple of words from me... I liked that a lot.

My eyes bolted open, feeling him hit my G-spot.

"Tom!" I shouted, feeling the bed fall from underneath us. "Fuck!" He slammed into me, it was the hardest he had gone tonight.

I had not seen him go this hard since we were in college. Tom began to rest his forehead on mine.

"I'm never gonna go gentle on you again, you'll have to beg me to."

A/N- hey guys this is the shortest smut i've done in a while... like usually they're like double this or more BUT LIKE IM AB TO FALL ASLEEP AND I REALLY WANTED TO GET THIS OUT TONIGHT.

gia is one kinky bitch.

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