Pilot Chapter

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Danny sat up straight in his bed, immediately jumping out of it with a large grin plastered across his face. He had finally turned 12 and was able to work in the guild! (Though, it's unlikely, considering the guild hates his family.)

He quickly rushed to his closet to pick out clothes, planning to dress to impress.

After changing, he had on a large bandana that was wrapped around his beck, a white t-shirt with a black jacket over it (he didn't know whether or not it was cold outside) with some nice leather boots and knee high socks with black pants.

He had ginger hair, a lot of freckles across his face, pale, almost paper white skin, and green eyes- wearing a charming smile. He was around 5'8" and was real muscular for his age. He had broad shoulders and was big, like, muscle big. He always knew how to scare off people accidentally. He'd never hurt anything, especially not another person unless absolutely necessary.

After putting on his clothes and brushing his teeth, he walked down stairs and saw his mom and dad talking to each other. Before they could say "hi," he rushed out of the house. They didn't seem to mind since they already knew he was going to go up to the guild, though.

Before getting there, he needed to grab his buddy, Valentine. They've been friends since diapers and wanted to do this together, even thougj Valentine wasn't as enthusiastic as Danny about this and was pretty laid back and non-hyperactive, contrast to his friend.

Anyway, that doesn't matter right now.

Danny would've rode a horse or mule or something like that, but he didn't want to rush his friend since he knew how overwhelmed he tends to get when hurried up, even when it was only simple tasks like eating and dressing yourself.

After Danny had arrived, he hastily jogged up to his front door and knocked. He figured Val's parents were gone since their old car was, but didn't say anything about it. He was kind of glad they were gone, though. They were drunk bums and were always beating Valentine and forcing him to get work. That's why, he's glad to work in the guild. Valentine would be getting paid and wouldn't have to worry about his parents because he'd be gone, out in the wild throughout his mission. The thought made him happy, and Valentine being happy made Danny happy.

"Hey, Danny!" Valentine says with a large grin upon seeing him walk up his driveway.

Valentine has paper white skin, fluffy yellow hair, and one green (his left eye) and the other blue (the right eye) eye. He has a real great smile, one better than Danny's, even though he rarely did give someone a genuine smile. His blonde (technically yellow, almost golden) hair was swayed to the right, covering one of his eyes. He hated his eyes.

Valentine was around 5'6" and was dressed lazily. He had comfortable shorts and a teal dress shirt on that only had one button at the top near the collar. He also wore a black chest binder underneath. He has red sneakers and dirty white socks on to go with it, along with a tie that was tied around his head.. He never wore ties right, and that's what people knew him for.

"Hey, bud!" Danny returned the grin, only it was 10 times brighter than Valentine's. "You ready to go?"

"Almost," Valentine replied cooly, "I've just got to grab my coins." He exclaims, running upstairs and quickly coming back down with a pouch that he attatched to his belt, along with his fancy water skin, along with the wooden sword he made that was kept in its case, on his belt along with the rest of the items he carried.

"Alright, I'm ready to go." Valentine confirms, sounding pretty unenthusiastic, but ready nonetheless. "Then, let's bounce!"

They both walk out of Valentine's house and away from his property the second Danny said that. "You look real tuff," Danny said to Valentine, who simply nodded in response.

Now, there was a difference between "tough" and "tuff." Tough means strong and fierce while 'tuff' meant cool looking.

In Danny, and pretty much everyone's opinion, Valentine was the most handsome and toughest kid in their town, though no one seemed to mind.

"Hm, now just how do you plan on getting in, Dan?" Valentine asks with curiosity seeping through his tone of voice. "What'dya mean by that, Val?"

"Well, the guild hates your family after you dad and mom made a town go extinct, and your older brother was the reason all our hippogriffs are gone!"

Danny simply nodded. It's not like he had forgetten about that. He couldn't, not with everyone reminding him and shaming him for his family's past mistakes.

Danny didn't mind though. He was ready to restore his family's pride and bring respect to his surname.

He continued thinking about stuff like this while he walked with his friend to the guild that was only two and a half miles from where they were. It would be easier to get to with an old mustang or car, but Val and Dan didn't care. They didn't mind walking. Val liked running and Dan simply wanted to spend time with his best bud, which made him extremely happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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