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I woke up on the... couch.

"Wake up, we have work." I shook Tom up, he groaned turning around. "Don't do that I almost fell the couch is small." I whined.

"Let's just quit teaching." Tom suggested. "Oh yeah cause we aren't even in the gang anymore. Well, barely and teaching is our only source of income right now."

"Well when you put it that way." Tom sighs, sitting up.

I stood up, putting my hand out for him to take. He held my hand, walking with me to our bedroom. I turned on the lights, looking around.

"This is..." I swallow dryly, going over to the bed. It was tilted downward, I squatted trying to look at the bed frame. I forgot I couldn't do that anymore.

I fell on my butt.

"Fuck, help me up." I put my hand up, Tom pulls me up laughing a little. "This is not a time to laugh, im struggling." I trilled my lips in frustration.

"Let's get ready for work, i'll just send someone over to fix it. Actually let me call Bill and he'll send someone over, i'm too lazy." Tom picked up his phone up.

I walked over to the closet, picking out some clothes for today. Okay... how about these baggy jeans, with.. hm.

"Paizão baby!" I shouted, I could hear his footsteps near the closet. "It doesn't make sense if you say both." He laughs, leaning against the doorway.

"I can say whatever I want, it's my nickname. Anyways, what should I wear with these jeans?" I held them against my body, looking down.


"Seriously! I don't know what shirt to wear." I groaned turning around looking through more clothes.

"Do you wanna wear the hoodie I wore yesterday so you can smell me all day?" He grinned happily, I nodded eagerly, he picks it up from the chair, handing it to me. I take my pj shirt off, putting the hoodie on.

"It does smell like you!" I gasped.


"You're back!" Andrea squealed, engulfing me in a hug. I leaned back, surprised but evidently hugged her back. "I missed you too." I laughed.

"Can I see your belly, please it's just us. Before they all come." She begs, I stood to the side lifting my shirt a little. "Girl or boy?" She squealed, squatting a bit.

"Girls." I replied.

"Plural?" She jumps back up, I simply nodded again. "Oh my goodness miss! You're having twins!" Andrea shouts, and that's when everyone started coming in.

Everyone stopped in their tracks, hearing Andrea. "My bad." She puts her head down, I shook my head. "It's okay everyone else already knows." I laugh.

"I'm here!" Tom marches in, talking in a singing voice.

"Oh wow lovely." I followed up, he raises a brow looking at me. "What you don't want me here all of a sudden?" Tom asks, shaking his head in my face.

"That's not what I said." I sighed, turning the projector on. I suddenly hear the door open.

Jayden walks in.

Tom glares at him from across the room, he had his thumbs tucked behind his backpack straps, walking with his head down. I knew it wasn't his fault.

I nudge Tom's shoulder, motioning towards Jayden. He sighs and goes to sit in his usual desk right next to him.

"Okay, today we're gonna be learning how to do splatter art. Has anyone in here already done that?" I look to everyone sitting down.

"I have!" I hear Aliyah's voice ring in my ears, I turn my head to her seat but, evidently no one is there. I start blinking really fast, trying to get her image out of my head. "Are you okay?" Tom mouths.

I take a deep breath in. "I need a moment." I say, rushing out the classroom, it felt like I was gonna be sick. My hand flies over my mouth, holding a gag.

I heard the door open after me. "Gia!" Tom shouted, I didn't respond, continuing to run to the staff bathroom.

My hand unlocks the door quickly, barging in. I'm immediately hunched over the toilet. Tom gets in crouching down next to me.

"Go watch them." I said, in between gags. "I'm here don't worry." He rubs my back, it all started to exit out of me. Fucking hell, I hate puke.

I lean over flushing the toilet, I was now sweaty and breathing heavy. Tom helped me stand up, I walk over to the sink, splashing some water on my face.

"Can you get me my portable mouthwash from my bag please." I asked, placing my hands on the sink. Tom nodded, walking out the bathroom.


"Here." He hands it to me, I take it. Beginning to swish it in my mouth, I gargle a little before spitting it out.

"Are you okay mama?" Tom asks, rubbing both my shoulders. I smiled softly. "I miss her." My bottom lip began to quiver.

Tom pulled me into a hug by the back of my head. His grip was tight but that's how I liked it, I liked our hugs they weren't gentle, but they were also comforting. 

"I keep looking at her seat, thinking she'll magically pop up or something but she never does." I sob into his chest. The door, suddenly creaks open.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but it's getting a little crazy in there." Jayden doesn't make eye contact, as he shuffles his feet against the floor.

I pull away from Tom, attempting to nonchalantly wipe my tears away. But it was very obvious. "Thank you." I pulled him into a hug, I knew he was grieving too.

Jayden hugged back.

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