HyunIn-Fainting pt.1

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A request from @Alekuki06  :)

Pt.2 coming soon!

also my december exams are almost here in 2 weeks so I will take some time for other or newer requests. I do have a few drafts saved( 1 2chan, 2 minsung, 1 hyunIn[fainting pt.2]) but that will take some time. :)

Jeongin woke up with a bad feeling. He didn't feel like he was going to get sick right away but thought he might get sick throughout the day. Just in case, Jeongin got up and walked over to the bathroom, slowly enough not to wake up Hyunjin. He locked the door and crouched down in front of the toilet. He stared at the tiles on the floor as he knelt down. 'Now what?' He thought to himself. Jeongin didn't know what was wrong with him. He didn't feel like he was gonna get sick now. He couldn't help but start pacing around the small bathroom. He didn't know why, maybe he was tired? But he slept early last night. 

"Innie- come and get your breakfast," Hyunjin called jeongin from the kitchen. He was sleepig when jeongin went to the bathroom but he was now awake. Jeongin groaned with annoyance and got out of the bathroom. He sat down.

"Here's your breakfast my little child." Hyunjin hummed as he handed I.N a bowl of cereal, they had to go out soon anyways. Jeongin tried to eat them, but he could only eat for a few spoonfull of cereal before he felt like he might get sick. He didnt feel hungry but he didn't wanted to hurt Hyunjin's feelings so he tried to eat at least a little bit more until he felt like he reached his limits.

"I'm done, I'm gonna get changed, see you in the car hyung!" jeongin got up, he put the bowl of cereal in the sink as quick as he could and ran to the bathroom. Hyunjin didn't really mind the younger rushing off to the bathroom but when he went to the kitchen sink, he saw the bowl of cereal that jeongin left in the sink, it was still full. 'that's weird' hyunjin thought for a second, he didn't know why jeongin didn't eat everything. if it was normal, jeongin would have been finished with his bowl of cereal in less than 2 minutes and ran off to change but it was different today. 'maybe he wasn't hungry?' hyunjin thought to himself and decided to keep an eye on the younger boy. He put his jacket on and left the dorms.

Jeongin's POV

I ran off to the bathroom as soon as I placed the bowl in the kitchen sink. I opened the door and locked it behind me, barely making it in time before a retch came out of my mouth. Nothing. Nothing was brought up.  Just some disgusting smell that made me gag a little but still nothing. the nausea started to overwhelm me. I can feel something in my throat rising to my mouth. I kept my eyes tightly shut and retched again. Still nothing. I looked at my phone. It showed '9:30AM'. 'Shit i'm late.' i thought to myself and ran out of the bathroom, grabbing my bag and running off to where the car was parked. By the time i reached the car downstairs in the parking lot, everyone was staring at me, including the manager. he started driving right away. I sighed and looked at Hyunjin hyung who was basically asleep. he was snoring by a bit. I looked over at the front seats where most of the members were listening to music or watching something on their phones. I got my headphones out and turned on side effects. Just as it was about to hit the chorus part, something spun around the car. Was there a bird out side the car? but why? they won't fly that low for a fact. jeongin closed his eyes and opened them again. this time, the whole car was spinning.  he shook his head and opened his eyes again. it was fine. back to normal. 'am I hallucinating?' I thought to myself until I started to feel a little nauseous. i thought that was because i was looking at my phone maybe? I turned my phone off and looked around. It looked fine. everything was on its spot. I closed my eyes and opened them again, looking at hyunjin hyung who was just sleeping. there weren't anything moving around. 'werid....' I thought. If I'm honest, I wasn't feeling like myself for the past few days, I threw up a few times, a few rushes to the bathroom, and headaches that just never seemed to go away. Maybe I was overworked? I didn't know. I looked around once more before I decided to get some shut eye before the car ride to the company building ends.

No one's POV

"Innie, Innie wake up-" Hyunjin gently shook the younger. He wasn't waking up. He shook him again. No bodily reaction came from the younger, just some soft snores. 

"Hyung, Innie is not waking up." Hyunjin called out the Chan, who was just about to get off the car. He looked at the backseat where Hyunjin and I.N were seated.

"Just carry him, he hasn't been getting enough sleep these days, we can put him on the couch until he wakes up." Chan told hyunjin and hopped off with the rest of the members. Jisung helped Hyunjin carry I.N out as lee know opened the enterance door for them. they all came in carefully incase of  having to face Jay Why Papi on the first floor, with jeongin in hyunjin's arm and most of them were barely awake anyways. 

"Alright, we'll start at 10, and if jeongin doesn't wake up, we'll have to wake him up." lee know announced and went to jisung, jisung didn't even care about the older one touching his butt to entertain himself and the other members. Hyunjin laughed for a moment but it soon passed away, both of his eyes were on jeongin who was sleeping on the couch now. he looked somewhat paler than usual. His colours were still there but he didn't look very convincing to tell everyone that he was fine if he was sick or anything. Hyunjin sat down next to where Innie's head was. he stroked the younger's hair and poked his cheeks.

"Jeongin, Yang Jeongin, Ya- Jeongin-ah," Hyunjin gently shook the younger to wake him up. Jeongin blankly blinked his eyes, he was blinded by the lights on the ceiling. Still sleepy, he slowly sat up and leaned on Hyunjin. 

"woah- you're a little warm, are you okay?" Hyunjin asked the younger as he placed his hand on the maknae's forehead. jeongin shrugged hyunjin off and tried to convince him that he was fine but hyunjin wasn't so convinced. 

"I-i'm fine hyung, I'm sorry I fell asleep-" jeongin stood up as he spoke. he walked up to where everyone else was and joined to choreo. 

"You sure you are fine-" Hyunjin was cut off as Jeongin snapped at him.

"HYUNG I SAID I'M FINE!" Jeongin snapped at his Hyunjin, everyone looking at him in surprise, he quickly realised what he did wrong, he tried to apologise but it was too late, the music already started.

the beginning part where it was seungmin and lee know's job to hit the high notes were fine but as time started to tick by, it was getting worse. His head throbbing and his throat that didn;t even say a line started to feel more scratchy and hoarse than it was. Jeongin feared that in any moment, his part will come soon, he knew it was just a practice, it was gonna be fine but his throat wasn't functioning. 6 seconds... 5 seconds.... 4 seconds... 3...2...1... It was jeongin's part, he tried his best but he couldn't help with his voice crack in the high note. Jeongin, stumbled, almost tripping Jisung and Felix, he instinctly grabbed on someone's arm, he didn't realise it was Chan.

"STOP THE MUSIC!!" Chan shouted at someone, hoping that someone will turn it off, jeongin knelt down, he felt numb. his brain fuzzy and his head felt like someone was stabbing him with a knife from the inside. His vision blurring every second as he started seeing black screens with nothing and his vision coming back and force.

"Jeongin can you hear me? Innie! INNIE!" Hyunjin shouted as he shook jeongin genlty. he poured some cold water on his face, hoping that will help jeongin wake up but things only got worse. The amount of his vision blacking out and coming back blurry was increasing, he tried to move and open his eyes, his body didn't listen.....

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