• 🫙 Little Ouchie ! - Minlix (short?)🍪

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。・* ; Little  • Felix
。・* ; Caregiver • Minho

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ TW : Mentions of blood !


Stray Kids was filming SKZ CODE right now. The episode was going to be who makes a better gingerbread house since it was nearing to Christmas right now. The group has split into 2 teams:

- Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Changbin

- Minho, Felix, Han, Jeongin


Felix wasn't necessarily in the mood to do anything like this today because he's been on edge of slipping into littlespace the moment he woke up and let me tell you that it isn't a pleasant feeling. Especially when the fuzziness inside your body increasing every passing second urging you to just let everything go and slip.

"C'mon guys for gods sake! We can't lose!" Han encourages his team. Whenever it comes to competitions like this, Han can't help but be overly competitive but this doesn't help Felix at all. It worsens Felix's condition. It feels like at this point, at any moment, Felix is bound to slip uncontrollably.

"Jeongin can you frost the pieces Felix has already cut out? Felix, cut faster! We don't have long left!" Minho ordered the 2 youngest men within the team they were assigned into. Felix only blinks and stares at the chopping board. His brain isn't functioning as he should be when he isn't regressed. It's obvious that being on edge has taken an extremely evident toll onto him, well, for Felix to notice at least. He doesn't know if the others notice anything but hopefully they won't. Felix attempts to cut another rolled out gingerbread slice but instead, cuts his finger. That was it. This is the moment everything will turn into something he never wanted to ever witness.

Felix's eyes become glossy with tears. He couldn't control anything now so he drops the knife and just lets go. There wasn't any point of trying to hold back anymore. Tears roll down his freckled, sunny cheeks that were now flushed a vibrant red. Small sniffles and sobs escaped his quivering lips. Minho turned around to look at Felix as he noticed Felix wasn't doing anything.

"Felix! What are you- oh, Lix.." Minho mumbled as he came closer to Felix, "Did Lixie accidently have an ouchie? Oh, baby.." Minho gently grabbed hold of Felix's index finger that was now injured. A small cut with beads of blood oozing out and trickled down the younger's small palm.

"Jeongin, pause for a second and go get me a plaster, please," Minho requested Jeongin. The youngest nodded as he left the kitchen to get a plaster from the first aid kit.

"Don't worry, Lixie. None of this is your fault in anyway. Hush...don't cry.." Minho attempted to soothe the little but hiccups, sniffles and sobs were still being heard from the raven.

"M-M' sowwy Mini, L-Lixie n-no good.." Felix hiccuped. He wanted to explain that he couldn't focus. He wanted to explain how he felt like he was choked by how much pressure it had given him to suppress this little side of him. It wasn't like Minho or the others haven't seen this side of him before. They have ; but slipping while being on camera just wasn't the best timing.

"Hush...just...just relax right now. You're a good boy, I promise you, kid," Minho whispers. He sighs in relief as Jeongin returns with a plaster. Just in time. Minho comforts Felix, reassuring him that he didn't do anything wrong and it was just an accident. That he's still good no matter what. Minho wraps the plaster around the raven's index finger, not too tight but not too loose.

"T-than- thank M-Mini.." Felix stutters and stumbles over his words. Unable to form proper sentences as his headspace is literally swallowing him whole. He feels all fuzzy, warm, comforted, safe in a way. Just what he needed after those few weeks (yes Felix didn't slip for a few weeks).

"No problem buddy. I say, what if you be the judge for the gingerbread houses, hm, sweet boy?" Minho suggests in attempt to lighten the other's mood, which does work in some way. The other boy nods, smiling slightly.

"'ixie b' juj?" Felix repeats what Minho said. Minho nods in confirmation.

"Yes, little one. You'll be the judge for the gingerbread houses," Minho confirms, smiling contently. The little's eyes immediately lighten up with joy as he smiles and giggles, cheering and celebrating that he will be the judge for the gingerbread houses. 


"Right now we made our 2 gingerbread houses....what even is that.." Chan pauses his mini speech to take in what on earth was built in front of him.

"It's a gingerbread house, hyung! Now carry on!" Jeongin yaps back. Chan doesn't say anything and carries on with his little speech until it was time for Felix to decide who wins.

Felix looks at the both of the gingerbread houses..one was questionable but both were decently made but in the end, both won. He couldn't decide nor did he have the heart to only make 1 team win.


I have the biggest urge to slip rn but oh well !

Bye byeeee :3

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