dare 58

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Me: Alright, reading time. 

Smokescreen: Again?! 

Me: Yes, again. Now hurry up. 

*after reading* 

Me: Well, what did you think of it? 

Megatron: I have to admitt, that I found it quit... disturbing. 

Starscream: The part where he drank that Vehicon's Energon *shivers* 

Dreadwing: It was very disturbing. 

Airachnid: I actually liked reading it. 

Skyquake: I agree with my brother. 

Makeshift: I honestly don't care if it happened.  

Miko: Wow, vampire Optimus. 

Rafael: That was a bit scary. 

Jack: I agree with Raf. 

June: I prefer a sane Optimus

Folwer: An insane Optimus would doom humanity. 

Laserbeak: <That was disturbing and scary.>

Soundwave: Very - disturbing. 

Knockout: *shivers* 

Breakdown: I don't even wanna think about it. 

Shockwave: Interesting. 

Optimus: I hope that it never happens. 

Ultra Magnus: If it would happen I would kill Optimus myself. 

Smokescreen: I'm gonna pretend I don't know that exists. 

Wheeljack: I honestly am afraid of Optimus now. 

Bumblebee: *crying* :;No! Dad! Don't lose your sanity.;:

Arcee: *comforting Bumblebee* Don't worry it's just a story. 

Ratchet: Thankfully it's just a story. 

Bulkhead: I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of the month now. 

Predaking: It is perfect revenge. 

Skylynx: Hehe I liked it. 

Darksteel: I agree with Skylynx, it was hilarious. 

Hardshell: It is not what the Prime deserves. 

Cliffjumper: That was horrible. 

Tailgate: I agree with Cliffjumper, that was disturbing. 

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