★ | 007. pranks from jess and mike

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 7: Pranks From Jess And Mike
Word Count: 1332

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 7: Pranks From Jess And MikeWord Count: 1332

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"Jess?" Mike called, his eyes trying to look over the blockage.

Scott repeated her name again only for her to scream. "Jess!" He jumped onto the logs and pulled himself up.

"Fuck nuggets." He heard Mike grunt behind him. He jumped from the logs and Mike shined the flashlight forward. "Ah, come on. Jess?"

"Where the hell is she?" Scott looked around but didn't see her anywhere. "Fuck." He mumbled. "She better be okay."

"She will be." Mike said quickly. He spotted an abounded car covered in snow. "You don't think she's in there, do you?"

"Why would she be in there?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows.

Mike thought otherwise and walked over to the car. "Buddy? You in there?"

"Did you call her buddy?" Scott said mostly to himself.

Mike grabbed the door handle and pulled but it was stuck. With another pull a mask fell onto the window. "Ah!" He screamed and jumped back, his heart racing. "Whoa! Christ!"

"I told you she wouldn't be in there." If Scott wasn't worried about Jess he would have found Mike's jump scare hilarious.

Mike put his hand to his chest. "That scared the blue outta my jeans. The hell is that doing in there anyway?"

"Don't know, don't care. Come on." He walked over to Mike and began to pull him away from the car.

"Jess? Hon? Light of my life?" Mike called again. "I totally promise I won't murder you when I find you." All of a sudden a fake dear head jumped out at them with a screech.

Scott's hands fell from Mike's as he jumped back with his own yelp, falling on his ass. He looked up to see it had been Jess who scared him and was now laughing her ass off. "That was so good!" She exclaimed.

"Not... no!" Mike huffed.

Scott stood up and wiped the snow from his ass. "Damn."

She walked over to where she had put her phone and picked it up, stopping her recording. "Wait, wait, wait, you have to see this." She tried making them look at the phone as she replayed the video.

"I'm not seeing anything." Mike said in annoyance. "You recorded that?"

"I'm never gonna live that down." Scott groaned. He was sure she would bring it up whenever she could.

"Look at your face! You fell on your ass, Scotty!" She laughed.

"I was scared, Jess! You can't just jump out at somebody. I'm in the middle of the woods, it's scary!" Mike said.

"I'll admit it was good but do it again and no loving for you tonight." He pointed a finger at his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She giggled, trying to touch Mike's face but he pushed her hand away. "Aw, are you mad?"

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