The Rose

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Briar rose a beautiful young woman, a thin sheet of sweat covering her skin as her sword clashes with another's, the blood on her arm dried from the dry air her lungs burning as she inhales she hadn't meant to get into a fight but this man swung his sword first once he saw her angry at the fact she was a woman carrying  a sword on her hip and not a skirt she would trip over, her pants tucked into her boots, she gets behind him and with the butt of the sword knocking him out she sighs in relief finally taking in a deep breath her lungs desperately needed she walks over to where she had tied up her horse she grabs her horse an apple from her satchel feeding the horse before mounting the horse and riding off toward the fire swamp in guilder as she starts to enter the forest she hears screaming of a woman and a man she rides towards the sound being careful of the fire she finally finds the source of the two screams she sees the abnormally sized rodent and unsheathed her sword quickly killing the giant rodent. she hopped down from her horse pulling the dead rodent off the man, the man quickly stands up and points his sword at her 

"now now is that anyway to thank your savior" she say sheathing her sword looking unimpressed at the blade being pointed at her neck

"you did not save me i could have saved myself" the man exclaims 

"yes well you were doing such a  great job" she says sarcastically 

"do not mock me, who are you anyways" he asks eyes still untrusting pulling the woman behind his back 

"briar rose nice to meet you, what is your names" she smiles 

"My name Westley and this is my love buttercup" he was less tense but still skeptical of her

"your love that's cute do you need a little help getting out of this forest" she asks 

" that would be amazing" buttercup says 

" why do you carry a sword if you are a woman" Westley asks, buttercup smacks his chest as a warning for him not to pry 

" I carry a sword as a woman as the same reason you do as a man i want protection and i don't have a husband, brother or father to protect me so i have to protect myself" she glares at him and mounts her horse " you coming or not" she asks  signaling her horse to trot, she holds her hand out to buttercup and she pulls her up onto her horse. they trek though the forest finally reaching the edge the are surrounded by Prince Humperdinck and his minions 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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