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"Oh y/n, if you didn't work for your dad we wouldn't have met.." Charles said and looked at you. You smiled and laughed a little "Don't be ridiculous Charles , we would have met. Maybe not because of a tyre but karma would find a way.." you said. "I prefer the mechanic version of you. You can still give me tips about work.." he said and you chuckled.

"Is that so. So you are using me for work..?" you asked and he turned red. "That's not what I meant to say and you know that.." he said "I am just teasing you Charlie, however I am so glad to have met you. Will you get in trouble for coming here in between your races?.." you asked "Perhaps? I mean I asked Carlos to cover me up, he'll make up an excuse.." he said with a big smile on his face.

"Oh my god Charles no.." you said and hit his shoulder playfully. "Everybody needs some time off, I don't care about getting in trouble. Make me enjoy these days though, so that I won't regret it.." he said as a smirk formed onto his lips. "Yes I will Romeo, how long are you staying..?" you asked "Until Sunday, but early in the morning.." he replied

"I'll make sure to make these two days fun, anyways looks like we have to go to sleep Charlie. You must be exhausted.." you said and stood up while pulling his hand. He followed you to your bedroom. Charles ran and jumped on the bed. "Such a shame that we have to share a bed.." he said "Stop pretending that you don't like it.." you said and joined him. He was sticking his tongue out teasing you.

At first you didn't want to bother or cuddle up to each other. But you ended up sleeping around his arms. It was the best sleep you have gotten after months of terrible sleep. You woke up before him and you decided to admire him as he was sleeping. You moved the hair out of his face. He's just gorgeous. After some time he woke up as well. "Good morning sleepyhead.." you said and kissed his forehead.

"Nuh uh, sleepyhead is only okay when I say it.." he said in between his yawns. You couldn't help but laugh "We have a big day today, I wanna show you around. I know that you have been to England before, but I wouldn't mind showing all the places I used to go at during my childhood.." you said with a big smile on your face.

"Fine fine but can we get some coffee first..?" he asked. You nodded and you both got up from your bed. You sped up your pace a little but he stayed back. You didn't remember that you were just in shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You sighed loud enough for you to snap out of his thoughts "I am sorry I just wanted to admire the view. I am not used to seeing you like this.." he said.

You blushed. You went downstairs quickly and prepared breakfast for you two. After eating breakfast, you got ready and headed out. Charles loved your neighborhood and every single story you'd tell him about your favorite places. You two wandered around the city and ended up eating lunch at a nice restaurant. You took pictures with each other. And you posted the following story with the caption "my best days are better with you"
y/f/n horner

Your mom called , you asked Charles for five minutes of privacy, so that you could talk to her properly

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Your mom called , you asked Charles for five minutes of privacy, so that you could talk to her properly. "Yes mom, guess what Charles decided to visit me in between his races. I know right that's crazy! You want to meet him? I'll ask him then. Maybe during the afternoon. Is that okay with you? Okay mom thank you! We will make sure to come see you. Bye, I love you.."

Charles was waiting for you. He was holding something but you couldn't really tell what it was. "Charlie, my mom asked me to go see her later. She really wants to meet you. She even saw my instagram story.." you said. "That's lovely Y/n, I want to meet her as well. She sounds like a lovely woman, at least from your description.." he said "I also wanted to give you this, I meant to do it later but I forgot actually.." he added

He gave you a small bag. You opened it slowly only to find a beautiful necklace. "Oh my god Charles, that's beautiful, you didn't have to.." you said "My mom has a similar one, and I have always found it beautiful. Beautiful things remind me of you, so yes I bought it.." he said with a proud smile. You kissed him. You didn't really have to think about it. It came out naturally.

When you pulled back you noticed that he was blushing "What's up..?" you asked and ruffled his hair a little " I mean deep inside I knew that you'd like it, but not that much.." he said. "Damn Charlie.." you said and smiled. You went back home to take a shower and rest for a while before visiting your mother. Charles took a while to get ready because he really wanted to impress her.

"Do I look okay? I feel like this shirt is unflattering.." he said "You look amazing idiot. My mom is going to love you. I promise.." you said and patted his shoulder. You two were finally ready to go. You were giving him directions. Once you got to her house you two knocked on the door.

Your mother opened the door after some minutes. She was wearing a very flattering dress and smiled at both of you. You gave her a big hug and Charles shook her hand. She winked at you and whispered "he's such a gentleman" to your ear. The three of you sat on the living room and started chatting.

"It's nice to meet you Charles, I have heard a lot of things about you.." she said with a warm smile. "It's finally nice to meet you as well, and the same goes for me but I hope that y/n has said nice things about me at least.." he said returning the smile. You continued discussing until the late evening. You and Charles had to go back. You said goodbye to your mom and thanked her for the nice atmosphere.

Charles was really happy and talkative on the way back to your house. "See I told you that she would love you. She has mentioned that after meeting you I seem happier than ever. She has missed seeing me that happy Charles.." you said with a kind of nostalgic smile. " I am glad y/n, honestly in life some people are meant to take away our spark and some are meant to offer some of theirs to us. I hope that I am offering some to you.." he said with a reassuring smile.

A lot of memories started to flash in your mind. You were starting to tear up. "No no y/n I didn't mean to make you cry, I swear.." he said. You had arrived at your house. "No you don't understand, these are happy tears. You made me realise a lot of things about myself. My worth for example and that I shouldn't settle for anything else than what I am worth. That's important. You are important to me.." you said.

He hugged you. It was such a comforting hug. His big arms fitted around you perfectly as if they were made for only doing that. "I know that it's not easy to promise that I'll always be here for you, but I'll make sure to try and make you happy with every chance I get.." he said and stared deeply into your eyes.

Tears were rolling down on your face but he wiped them with his thumbs. "Now please don't cry, I said that I want to make you happy.." he said and tried to make you laugh by changing some facial expressions/grimaces. You two got inside the house and ran to the bedroom. You were tired. Plus the following day would also be very long and tiring.

Charles was taking pictures of you tidying up the room and making sure that everything is at the right place. "Gosh Charles stop, we already have enough pictures. Plus I am pretty sure that I look terrible in those.." you said with a pout. "No you look absolutely cute. I want to have a lot of pics to stare at when we are apart and I am missing you.." he said.

"Can I at least look at them as well. Just to make sure that I don't look like a monster.." you asked. "Fine come here.." he said and he patted some space beside him.

Helloooo everyone. Sorry for posting this late. I changed phones this week and I was so busy because I had to set up my new one. Plus I have a lot of tests coming up next week. Anyways do you think that the next day will be enjoyable? If so why? Please leave a comment and a vote if you liked the chapter. See ya on the next one

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