episode 1

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" M-mhmp..Jinnie right there please " - you let out a desperate moan as your husband was teasing you, not letting you get what you want.
" What about no? I can just stop and let you stay like this " - Hyunjin grinned, looking down at your fucked up state, a big smirk plastered on his face. " Don't be so mean.." - you mumbled with a pout as he chuckled.

" My baby is so needy for me. It's our wedding night and it's only been an hour, what's the rush for? We have the whole night to ourselves " - He said seductively as you let out a whine. He giggled and kept on slowly fingering you again, while kissing your neck and collarbones softly. Your moans started to increase again as you held onto his neck tightly.

" So cute " - he mumbled as he added one more finger, crossing it inside you, making you quiver due to the sensitivity. He knew how sensitive you were, but he didn't know how to please you. He didn't know your weak spots, he just didn't know your body. Maybe that is the consequences of getting married to someone that was arranged for you even before your birth.

" Does it feel good? " - He asked. " Y-yes " - you mumbled. Lies. All lies. You were only feeling some stings and an unready knot in your stomach. Nothing else. It felt so bad and pathetic. Maybe this would be your destiny from now on, stuck with a husband who neither loves you nor can pleasure you.
That was the last time you and your so called
' husband ' which was arranged had sex. Since
that time, he's been avoiding you. You two were married by name, afterall at the end of the day you two were like two complete strangers living in the same house. You hated it. You hated him. You hated everyone. I mean who wouldn't? Your life was just like a toy's.

Hyunjin, was the personal assistant of a well known company and your parents thought he was rich and would take well care of you, so they married you off to him without even telling you until the day of the marriage. You simply had to agree cause you couldn't defy against your parents. If you did, that'd be the total end of you and you sure didn't want to die at the age of 20.

Time skip:
You woke up, yawning. Looking at the clock, you saw 6:30 am. You sighed and got up, stretching a bit as you washed your teeth and face. Then running to the kitchen, you started to make breakfast for Hyunjin as he had work in an hour. You made some pancakes and bacon's, packing them up in a plastic container.

7:45 am. You soon heard his footsteps. You sighed as you looked at him, who simply hummed out a little ' Good morning ' to you as you nodded. " Here's your food " - you mumbled and handed him the container. He glanced at it and threw it in the nearby bin as you sighed again, already expecting this behaviour.
" I told you to not to cook for me. Why don't you ever listen? " - he asked with a sigh. You just looked down, trying to hide your teary face. " I just want to be a normal wife for you.." - you mumbled. He sighed and patted your head.
" You're good. Just don't do something you're not allowed to or you know the consequences " - he said as you nodded.

Even if he was your arranged husband and didn't love you, he always respected you, unless he was drunk. Whenever he was drunk, your bad days were starting. Just as expected, a few nights ago he was drunk again as he waddled inside the house after barely opening the doors with the keys in his hands. You were asleep, since it was already midnight.

Suddenly there was a harsh yank on your hair as you jolted up from your sleep. " H-Hyunjin? What happened? " - you asked with a shaky voice. His grip tightened on your hair. " Because of you I didn't marry the girl I love.. it's all your fault. Why won't you just disappear from my life? I want her, not you! " - he kept yelling at you while you kept silent. It wasn't anything new for you at all.

" I'm sorry Hyunjin...I wish I could be out of your life too " - you said with a sigh. He let out a chuckle as he slapped you hard across your face. " It's easy to say for you. But you just don't! You're stuck to me and I fucking hate it. Please leave, I hate you " - he kept on yelling and slapping you, while you kept silent.
A few drops of tears fell on your cheek, making the sting even more unbearable. You quickly stood up and bowed in front of him. " I-I'll sleep somewhere else today. I'm sorry again " - you mumbled as he rolled his eyes as you left the room, walking downstairs. You laid down on the couch and hugged one of the pillows, soon falling asleep.

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